Call To Order / Determination Of Quorum
The meeting, held at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, was opened at 7:06 pm and a quorum was determined to be present for the conduct of business.
ZBA Attendees:
- Chair Laura Gail Tyler
- Karen Cleaveland
- Tim Lynch
Also Present:
- Applicant Michael Piastro, Bob Wills
- Paul Piastro
- Bob Zises
The first item of business was to approve the draft minutes from the April 23, 2013 meeting. Karen Cleaveland moved to approve the minutes as presented. Tim Lynch seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
New Business
Three area variances for front and side setbacks and driveway location for parcel on Clay Hill Road: applicant Michael Piastro came before the Board with photos and drawings of the site where he would like to build a house and garage. He wants to build a house on the higher elevation of the lot and put a garage on an old barn foundation that is already on the property but needs to be rebuilt. The applicant showed the Board the location for the septic in the front of the property. He also showed the Board the possible locations for the driveway. Zoning law stipulates a side setback of 35 feet, the applicant is asking for 30 feet and a front setback of 50 feet, the applicant is asking for 30 feet.
The applicant Michael Piastro and Mr. Wills discussed with the Board the location of the driveway and what variance might be needed. Chair Tyler stated that she will need to look into the definition of street line as it pertains to the location of driveways as stated in the Tivoli Zoning Law. The applicant was advised that before the next meeting he should mark the distance from the center of the driveway to both the center line of Clay Hill Road and to the street line of the road.
Karen Cleaveland moved to set a public hearing for November 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm. Tim Lynch seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chair Tyler set a site visit for 4:30 pm on November 3, 2014.
Tim Lynch moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. Karen Cleaveland seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Claire Roff
Planning and Zoning Clerk