Village of Tivoli
Zoning Board of Appeals
Draft Minutes
February 7, 2022
Karen Cleaveland
Mark Bennett
Bob Zises
Ethan Palmer
Also Present
Maria Sonevytsky
Franz Nicolay
Jonathan Trombly; Chairperson
Elizabeth Kiefer, alternate
Call to Order
The meeting was held in the Historic Watts de Peyster Hall. It was opened at 7:08 PM. Karen Cleaveland was acting chair.
New Business
Area Variance – 91 Montgomery St – Minimum Total Side Yard Set-back
The applicants, Maria Sonevytsky and Franz Nicolay, were present to present to present their application for an area variance at 91 Montgomery St. They recently purchased the property and will be renovating the dwelling. It has had several additions over the years and is currently non-conforming for the required minimum total side yard set-back. They plan to remove a portion of the dwelling on the south side that is 10 feet wide and add back two feet of encroachment, effectively reducing the encroachment on the south side by 8 feet. They plan to add a second story addition that will increase the encroachment on the north side by 6 inches. The minimum total side yards is 30 feet and they are requesting a variance of 2’6” to make the total side yard set back 27’6”.
Mark Bennett made a motion to declare SEQR a Type II Action. Bob Zises seconded. All in favor. The action was declared to be Type II and no further review is necessary.
Mark Bennett made a motion to schedule a public hearing on Monday, March 7, 2022 at 7pm. Ethan Palmer seconded. All in favor. The public hearing was scheduled.
The minutes from September 20, 2021 were reviewed.
Bob Zises made a motion to approve the September 20, 2021 minutes. Ethan Palmer seconded. All in favor. The minutes were approved.
Bob Zises made a motion to close the meeting. Ethan Palmer seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting was closed at 7:41 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Gail Tyler
Deputy Village Clerk