Planning Board Minutes – 8 – 28 – 2023

/ Planning Board Minutes – 8 – 28 – 2023

Meeting Date : 28/08/2023

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AUGUST 28, 2023

7:00 PM



Present:           Lisa Schwarzbaum, Chairwoman; Pamela Morin, Donna Matthews, Andrew Tejerina, Wendy Hansen


Absent:            J. P. Ward


Others Present:  Michele Greig


Public Present:            Jeanette Canaday, Janette Pabon, Felicia Tedesco, Helen O’Keefe, and Tyler Drosdeck, Applicant


Lisa Schwarzbaum called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.


On a motion made by Pamela Morin, seconded by Andrew Tejerina, the minutes from the August 14 meeting were approved; all in favor.


Lisa Schwarzbaum explained there would be 2 actions taken.  She provided a synopsis regarding the presentation by the applicant.  Tyler Drosdeck provided a presentation, and mentioned there were some slight changes made to previously provided notes; although there were no changes to the site pan.  Lisa requested he share the model he had brought; Tyler reviewed the model.


On a motion made by Donna Matthews, seconded by Pamela Morin, the public hearing was reopened at 7:21 PM.  Helen O’Keefe asked about specifics of what the space would be used for.  Lisa responded that this hearing was not on specifics of use.  Lisa read the information regarding the cultural center and its potential uses.


On a motion made by Pamela Morin, seconded by Wendy Hansen; the public hearing was closed at 7:27 PM.


On a motion made by Andrew Tejerina, seconded by Pamela Morin, the LWRP was approved; all in favor.


Michele Greig read the Short Form EAF Part II.


On a motion made by Pamela Morin, seconded by Donna Matthews, the Short Form EAF Part II was approved; all in favor.


On a motion made by Pamela Morin, seconded by Wendy Hansen, all in favor; the RESOLUTION Granting Special Use Permit Approval to Plane Hall Cultural Facility was approved, contingent on the changes which were approved in the body of the resolution.


Lisa Schwarzbaum wanted to clarify a few issues with the applicant on the wording of the special use permit.  Michele Greig added a number of comments.


On a motion made by Wendy Hansen, seconded by Pamela Morin, all in favor; the RESOLUTION Granting Site Plan Approval to Plane Hall Cultural Facility was approved.


Wendy Hansen commented she is excited to be a part of this project.


Donna Matthews feels as though a building needs to be used; and, Pamela Morin seconded that thought.


On a motion made by Donna Matthews, seconded by Pamela Morin, the meeting was adjourned at 7:53 PM; all in favor.






Robin L. Bruno

Village Clerk