May 17, 2023
A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on May 17, 2023 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:01 PM.
Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Shilling, Trustee Baldino, Trustee Mangieri
Public Present: None
Media: PANDA
The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- 488 Trash tags sold
- Two payrolls were processed by Village Treasurer, Bonnie Day
- Deputy Clerk Laura Gail Tyler has been working with the Zoning and Planning Boards
- The Village Clerk’s Office will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observance of Memorial Day
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Shilling, the April 19 Regular Meeting Minutes were approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Baldino and seconded by Trustee Mangieri, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #12 totaling $53,219.84. was approved. Trustee Mangieri moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented, Deputy Mayor Majer seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report
Trustee Shilling read the report provided by Z3 Consultants.
Regular Business:
On a motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Baldino, the 2023/2024 Tax Warrant was approved; all in favor.
RESOLUTION Authorizing the Award of Bid for 2023 Broadway Sidewalk Phase 4; on a motion made by Trustee Mangieri, seconded by Trustee Shilling; all in favor. There was some discussion regarding the bluestone around the Village.
On a motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Shilling, the Clerk’s Summer Hours schedule was approved; all in favor.
Pre-pandemic, the monthly board meetings were held in the Court Room, and during Covid, the meetings were moved to the 3rd floor. Starting with the June meeting, the board meetings will return to the 2nd floor and be held in the Court Room.
Trustee Reports:
Trustee Shilling
Trustee Shilling spoke about attending the Tivoli Fire Department’s Installation Dinner, and went on further to mention he enjoyed the event and seeing Pat Ryan.
Trustee Baldino
Court Report: Trustee Baldino read the contents of the report which was provided by Court Clerk McGarry; $4,452.00 was remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.
Trustee Mangieri
Trustee Mangieri read the police activity report provided by Red Hook Police Department.
Deputy Mayor Majer
Deputy Mayor Majer spoke about the Tivoli Free Library which has many activities coming up, along with Historic Red Hook, and their Then and Now Festival which will take place on June 3. This event will be based on the history of the Town of Red Hook, including the Village of Tivoli and the Village of Red Hook.
Hudson River Sweep took place, and there was a lot of trash picked up, and quite a lot of metal. It was a beautiful day to be at the river. If you see trash, please do pick it up before it ends up in the river.
The dock is in; but, ticks are out and they are vicious. Along with the ticks, poison ivy is out, please do be careful.
Mayor Griffith
Mayor Griffith spoke of the Climate Smart Committee, and how they are working and logging information, and documents moving forward toward the Bronze Certification.
There has been an inventory of trees, and there is a new member of the Tree Committee who has a background in urban forestry. According to this individual, and along with this committee, Tivoli is doing pretty well.
Monday, May 29, 2023 is Memorial Day, Mayor Griffith will be speaking at the Veteran’s Ceremony on Monument Hill at 11:00 AM.
Laura Gail Tyler, Deputy Clerk, and Mayor Griffith have been working together on the Tivoli Recreation Camp; this will take place for 2 weeks starting on Monday, August 7, 2023; sign-ups will be taking place soon.
Street sweeping will be done on Thursday and Friday, May 18 & 19; many thanks to Superintendent Burke and her staff for their assistance again this year.
Saturday, August 5, Tivoli Community Day will be back. There will be a band, a DJ, and games for kids of all ages, also Tivoli Fire Department will have a beer tent.
Yard Sale Day will be held, Saturday, July 29, 2023.
Public Comment
Deputy Mayor Majer wanted to chat about Lorraine Reed, and mentioned that often times, the board meetings will close in honor of an individual. Lorraine Reed was the 2nd female Mayor of Tivoli. She was born in 1929, was a marketing rep, and moved to Tivoli in 1987. Lorraine was involved in the Bard Nursery School, and became a member of the Board of Trustees in 1989, and was Deputy Mayor to Woody Neese, then became mayor in 1993. She was instrumental in the renovation of Village Hall, and it becoming a part of the National Registry. Lorraine was 93 years old; she had an adventuresome spirit, and we all wish to thank you for what you did for Tivoli.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer and seconded by Trustee Shilling, the meeting was adjourned in memory and appreciation of Lorraine Reed at 7:26 PM, all in favor.
Submitted by,
Robin L. Bruno
Village Clerk