Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes – 8 – 16 – 2023

/ Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes – 8 – 16 – 2023

Meeting Date : 16/08/2023

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August 16, 2023


A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on August 16, 2023 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY.  Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:05 PM.


Present: Mayor Griffith, Trustee Baldino, Trustee Mangieri


Also Present:  Christine Chale, Village Attorney; Cassondra Britton


Public Present:            Kathy O’Connor, Hildegard Edling, John Rossi of TRI, Lisa Tarricone of TRI, Jeanette Canaday, Leslie Baker, Glenn Baker, Katie Culp, Kathy Rebillot, Trisha Reed, Janette Pabon, Leigh and Phyllis Palmer, Sarah Imboden, John Corcoran, Larry Cox, and Jennifer Lawson

Media:  PANDA

The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Ms. Lisa Tarricone, Executive Director of Taconic Resources for Independence, and John Rossi provided a presentation on her organization.  They thanked Mayor Joel Griffith for the opportunity to speak, and they are enjoying their relationship they have with the Village of Tivoli.


John Rossi spoke also about his experiences with how people do not comply with dedicated spots, and about how surrounding locations/municipalities do not offer disability spots and rules.


He spoke about DDAP, Dutchess Disability Advocacy Partnership and how it was formed; and Lisa provided information and guidelines included in assorted handouts on ADA.


Lisa and John spoke about grant opportunities for ADA and disabled accessibility.  There were assorted questions directed to Lisa and John, and there was a question/answer session.


The Clerk’s report included:

  • 474 Trash tags sold
  • Two payrolls were processed by Village Treasurer, Bonnie Day
    • Deputy Clerk Laura Gail Tyler has been working with the Zoning and Planning Boards
    • The Village Clerk’s Office will be Closed, Monday, September 4, 2023 in observance of Labor Day


On a motion by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Mangieri, the July 19 Regular Meeting Minutes, August 2 Special Meeting Minutes, August 9 Workshop Minutes, and August 10 Special Meeting Minutes were approved, all in favor.



On a motion by Trustee Mangieri and seconded by Trustee Baldino, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #3 totaling $158,890.84 was approved.   Trustee Baldino moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented, Trustee Mangieri seconded the motion, all in favor.



Zoning Report


Trustee Baldino read the report provided by Z3 Consultants.



Public Comment on Agenda Items Only


Kathy O’Connor spoke about the crosswalk, and provided her opinion about having 2 crosswalks at the Woods Road and Broadway location.


Hildegard Edling reminded people that it is a law that people should walk facing traffic.


Jeanette Canaday asked about the light in the park that was recently out, and one on Lisa Lane, as well.



Regular Business:


Mayor Griffith provided insight regarding the LOSAP program, and the increase in the program.  He noted that a special election would take place on October 24.  The amount for volunteer firefighters who obtain the appropriate number of points during a calendar year would increase from $500.00 to $1,200.00 per year.


RESOLUTION Authorizing Award for Broadway Crosswalks Project; on a motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Mangieri; all in favor.



Trustee Reports:


Trustee Shilling


In Trustee Shilling’s absence, Mayor Griffith commented that Trustee Shilling is working on a solar project at the 5-acre landfill location.


Trustee Baldino


Court Report:  Trustee Baldino read the contents of the report which was provided by Court Clerk McGarry; $4,124.00 was remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.





Trustee Mangieri


Trustee Mangieri read the police activity report provided by Red Hook Police Department.  She enjoyed herself at Community Day, and felt as though there was a general feeling of fun.  Tivoli Street Painting will take place on Saturday, September 30, with 2 rain dates of October 1, and October 7.


Deputy Mayor Majer


In Deputy Mayor Majer’s absence, Mayor Griffith spoke about the Tivoli Free Library.


Mayor Griffith


The Broadway sidewalk project will hopefully begin, Monday, August 21, weather permitting; it will take approximately 3-4 weeks.


The week of August 28, TJR will return to do repairs on the paving project; this will involve the asphalt on North Road.



Public Comment


Sarah Imboden mentioned that her children are enjoying the summer camp.  She thanked the board for the camp.  Mayor Griffith added that he has enjoyed seeing all of the kids each day at camp.


Mayor Griffith spoke of the recent passing of a resident, Brice Marden, who was a major global artist, and ultimately became a Tivolian.  He sent his condolences to the entire Marden family.  He mentioned and thanked the family for their support and quiet generosity, and also, he hopes Brice found solace here in the Village of Tivoli.


On a motion by Trustee Baldino and seconded by Trustee Mangieri, the meeting was adjourned in memory of Brice Marden at 8:15 PM, all in favor.

Submitted by,


Robin L. Bruno

Village Clerk