Planning Board Minutes 11-22-2021

/ Planning Board Minutes 11-22-2021

Meeting Date : 22/11/2021

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Village of Tivoli

Planning Board


November 22, 2021




Mike Billeci; Chairman

Lisa Schwarzbaum

Donna Matthews



Pamela Morin

Also Present

Masha Zabara




The meeting was held in the Historic Watts de Peyster Village Hall. It began at 7:01 PM.

New Business

Site Plan Review – 48 Broadway – Thrift2Fight

Mike Billeci asked the applicant to describe the proposal. He stated that he understood it was to be a thrift shop.

Masha Zabara gave the history of starting sales on her porch over the summer and having the business evolve with fundraising and grants. It has evolved into a brick and mortor location. The store will mostly sell second hand adult clothing. The store will also sell t-shirts that will be screen printed by the business.

Mike Billeci asked about changes to the building and signage. Masha Zabara answered that there will be signage, the porch floor and doors will be painted, the access in the back will be improved for wheelchair accessibility and a parking space will be designated ADA. Inside there will be a couple of changing rooms but no structural changes.

Mike Billeci asked about the potential use as an event space. Yes there will be occasional small events but the space will not be leased out for outside events.

Lisa Schwarzbaum asked about the hours. 10am-6pm, Thursday – Monday

Donna Matthews asked about the timeline. Masha Zabara said that they hoped to open in the next two weeks. It will be a soft opening with a grand opening in the spring.

Lisa Schwarzbaum asked about the signage. Masha Zabara answered that there were mock ups in the application and likely only the font might change.

Mike Billeci addressed the board and asked if there was a board member who wanted to take the lead on the application and asked whether the application should be refered to the Village Planner.

Lisa Schwarzbaum volunteered to take lead on the application and questioned why the application would be referred to the Planner. Mike Billeci answered that there were some complications such as the ADA issues and parking requirements for events. Lisa Schwarzbaum questioned whether the application was a change of use as it was retail to retail and whether it reven required review.

Parking was discussed. Neither applicant will use parking as both reside within walking distance in the Village. One parking space will be designated ADA. Currently there is no ADA parking in the lot. The building is not required to be ADA due to its age.

Mike Billeci explained the process of referring the application to the Village Planner, and discussed the need for a site plan (map). Mashe Zabara asked for an explaination of the services provided by the Planner. Donna Matthews stated that it is importnat for the board to get it right the first time. Lisa Schwarzbaum questioned whether a site plan (map) was required because there is no change of use. Mike Billeci stated that there were exterior changes: signage, proposed parking space and exterior lighting. The map was discussed more. The applicant can draw it as long as it is to scale; a professional doesn’t need to be hired.

Masha Zabara asked about the next steps and timeline. Mike Billeci said the process usually took two meetings, two months and likely it will be decided in a month’s time. Masha Zabara asked about holding off on anything that needs a longer review since there was no change of use. Withdrawing the application was discussed. Mike Billeci said that if it was withdrawn it might be a risk for the applicant because she might need to reapply with an additional fee in the future, but it was the applicant’s decision. There was a discussion about whose role it was to allow the business to open. Lisa Schwarzbaum will consult the building inspector.


Minutes from August 23, 2021 were reviewed.

Lisa Schwarzbaum made a motion to approve the minutes from August 23, 2021. Donna Matthews seconded. All in favor. The minutes were approved.

Donna Matthews made a motion to close the meeting. Lisa Schwarzbaum seconded. All in favor. The meeting ended at 7:44.

Respectfully submitted,


Laura Gail Tyler

Deputy Village Clerk