Planning Board Minutes 08-12-2024

/ Planning Board Minutes 08-12-2024

Meeting Date : 20240812

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Village of Tivoli
Planning Board
August 12, 2024

 The meeting was opened at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Historic Watts dePeyster Village Hall.

PRESENT:  Lisa Schwarzbaum; Andrew Tejerina; Pamela Morin; J.P. Ward; Wendy Hansen;
Miles Sweeny

ABSENT:  Donna Matthews

ALSO PRESENT:  Michèle Robinson Greig, AICP; Mayor Joel Griffith; Village of Tivoli attorney Cassondra Britton

MINUTES: The Minutes from the July 22, 2024 meeting were reviewed. Pamela Morin made a motion to approve the Minutes; Second by J.P. Ward; All in favor; none oppose. The minutes


The Planning Board reviewed the proposed Local Law No A-1 of 2024 for the purposes of determining whether it meets the criteria of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Consistency Determination form, and discussed all the comments on the form. Village of Tivoli Planning Consultant Michèle Robinson Greig read out new comments.

Andrew Tejerina and Pamela Morin asked for various clarifications. Ms. Greig, Mayor Joel Griffith and Attorney Cassondra Britton contributed clarifications as needed.

The Board discussed parking and the geographical limits to which the Proposed Local Law applied, with the aid of displayed maps.

They also discussed the differences between short-term rentals and accessory dwelling units, and related matters.

Andrew Tejerina made a motion to accept the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Determination Form; Second by Wendy Hansen; all in favor; none oppose; none abstain.

Lisa Schwarzbaum signed the form and checked the box Consistent with the policies of the LWRP.

ADJOURN: J.P. Ward made a motion to ADJOURN; Second by Andrew Tejerina; all in favor; none oppose; none abstain. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Day, Deputy Clerk