2015 Final Assessment Roll

Local Law and Code

Planning Board Meeting Minutes 9-23-2013

/ Planning Board Meeting Minutes 9-23-2013

Meeting Date : 23/09/2013

Download Minutes :

Call to Order / Determination of Quorum
The meeting, held at the American Legion, was opened at 7:02 P.M. and a quorum was
determined to be present for the conduct of business.
Planning Board Attendees:
Chair Mike Billeci
Ginger Grab
Donna Matthews
Also Present:
Trustee Susan Ezrati
Naomi LaChance
Jeff Scales
Phyllis Pellet
Howard Pellet
Leigh Palmer
John Hallstein
Old Business
Demolition Permit – 11 Friendship Street: The Board discussed the project. Ginger Grab
moved to set a public hearing for the next Board meeting which is October 28, 2013 at 7:00 pm
at the American Legion. Donna Matthews seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
New Business
LWRP Consistency Determination for Parcel 134803-6175-17-114074-0000: Trustee Susan
Ezrati stated the following: the Village was advised that a property on the west side of
Friendship Street would be coming up for auction on October 2nd if the taxes on it were not paid
by October 1st. The Village, as the municipality, has the option of acquiring the property before
the auction. The Board of Trustees voted to proceed to get things in place so that the Village
might purchase the land prior to the October 1st deadline. The land is owned by Tim Voell. The
rationale is that it is contiguous to the parcel that the Village owns on the waterfront. It is also
critical to the viewshed there. The concern is that if a private person gains the parcel it’s not big
enough for a residence but they could put boats there or do other things that are not in sympathy
with the plans for the park.
The parcel is .18 acres and is located west of Broadway, across from 8 Friendship Street but may
also include a sliver east of Broadway.
The Board then went through the LWRP Consistency Determination form question by question
to determine if the Village owning that parcel is consistent with the LWRP.
Ginger Grab moved to make a recommendation to the Village Board that the proposed action
would be consistent with the LWRP. Donna Matthews seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the draft minutes from the August 26, 2013 Planning Board Meeting.
Donna Matthews moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ginger Grab seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Donna Matthews moved to close the meeting at 7:47 PM. Ginger Grab seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Claire Roff, Planning Board Clerk