Call to Order
The workshop meeting held at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall was opened at 7:02 PM.
Planning Board Attendees:
Mike Billeci
Donna Matthews
Pamela Morin
Ginger Grab
John Hallstein
Also Present:
Michele Greig, Village Planner
Susan Ezrati, Trustee
Michael McGrinder, 87 Broadway applicant
Jason McGrinder; 87 Broadway applicant
Nancy McGrinder; 87 Broadway applicant
Patrick Hildenbrand; 5127 Rt. 9G applicant
Brian Denu; 5127 Rt. 9G applicant
The first order of business was the McGrinder’s site plan. The garage will lean towards green with white trim. The paint samples were provided and filed with the application. The spec sheet for the light was also provided by the applicant. All members of the board were satisfied with the colors. Michele Greig reviewed the site plan. It is a pre-existing, non-conforming lot. The garage is not to be used as an accessory apartment. Michele Greig reviewed the lighting options. The Planning Board members will visit and inspect, then confirm all of the requirements are met and that the project stayed true to the site plan. Donna Matthews motioned to approve the resolution. Ginger Grab seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
The second order of business was P & B Dutchess Properties. A resolution was created to change the project to Type II SEQR. Pamela Morin motioned to adopt the resolution. John Hallstein seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried. Michele Greig reviewed the resolution and submitted site plan. No exterior changes were being made to the building. Michele requested the dimensions of the building on the plan. Footage is being sacrificed due to the shift in parking spaces and shrubs. Low shrubs will be planted, 25 are required. Their next steps for their application are to revise the site plan, shift the parking spaces, and plant shrubs. Chair Billeci deems it meets intent; all in favor. The applicants at 5127 Rt. 9G also need to provide a vicinity map, where the property is located, outdoor storage; trash area, gravel and grass should be shown on the plan, and the septic tanks discussed. Clerk Bruno forwarded their plan on to the county and is awaiting their response. The applicants were requested to bring all of the changes and plans to the next meeting on the 25th of July. The setbacks were discussed, as well as the sidewalk and space. The Board determined there is not enough space. The existing vegetation will be preserved and more shrubs and trees will most likely be planted. A 20’ buffer was discussed as well as the north curb cut and parking. The applicants must plant 10 shrubs and 1 canopy tree per 40 feet of frontage. Since they have 114’ of frontage they must plant 25 shrubs and 2 canopy trees. The trees and shrubs that already exist on the property count towards this amount and should not be removed. Michele Gregi requested that the trees and shrubs be shown on future plans. A public hearing was deemed not necessary. The applicants must ensure that the Planning Board signature block is on the plans.
The final order of business was the accessory containers on Pamela Morin’s property at 73-75 Broadway. It was established that her plan will be rectifying a violation. The old truck on the property will be removed before the containers are placed. Since she is in the GB district there is no front yard set back but the sideyard buildings and rear can be as close as the firecode. She was requested to look into what these requirements are. She must bring a site plan name, a property survey, the dimension and location of the plan, a vicinity map, a note that it won’t exceed a year and include the address of the property and the owner of the property within a week of the next meeting.
Donna Matthews motioned to the close the meeting. Pamela Morin seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Kristen Cleaveland
Deputy Clerk