Call to Order / Determination of Quorum
The meeting, held at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, was opened at 7:03 pm and a quorum
was determined to be present for the conduct of business.
Planning Board Attendees:
Chair Mike Billeci
John Hallstein
Donna Matthews
Ginger Grab
Pamela Morin
Also Present:
Applicant Peter Sweeny
New Business
Lot Line Alteration – 28 Stonybrook Road: The Board looked at the map that the applicant
submitted. Chair Billeci stated that what Mr. Sweeny wants to do is swap land between the
Village lot and the Town lot. The Town will get a big chunk, which has the view, and the 50
foot access down to Route 9G. The current Village lot will get some of the wetlands that are in
the Town. There are no buildings on the current Village lot. It is currently a buildable lot and
will remain a buildable lot even if the size changes.
Chair Billeci stated that he spoke to the Village attorney who said that the applicant will have to apply to the Town of Red Hook Planning Board and get on their agenda. Once that is done, then someone will have to circulate for Lead Agency. A discussion followed regarding lot line
alteration versus a subdivision and what would be involved in each.
The applicant stated that he is not creating any environmental impacts or creating any new
building sites and to go through the long subdivision process would be egregious. Chair Billeci
stated that Tivoli code says for lot line alterations the normal subdivision process can be waived at the discretion of the Planning Board. He asked the Village attorney what process would be followed in place of the subdivision process but she hasn’t gotten back to him yet. The Board may ask for help from Michele Greig, the Village Planner, to help expedite the process. The Planning Board is not asking for escrow at this time. It will depend on what the Town of Red Hook Planning Board decides to do.
Mr. Sweeny was advised to apply to the Town of Red Hook Planning Board to get on their
agenda and also to start filling out the long SEQR form.
The Board reviewed the draft minutes from the March 23, 2015 Planning Board meeting. John
Hallstein moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ginger Grab seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Pamela Morin asked if a table and chairs are allowed in front of Tivoli General. Chair Billeci
stated that this Board did not exclude them and that the minutes are on line. She also asked
about the parking issue. Chair Billeci stated that we do not have the resources to work on that
and Ms. Morin said she would look into it again.
Donna Matthews moved to close the meeting at 7:51 pm. Ginger Grab seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Claire Roff
Planning Board Clerk