Planning Board Meeting Minutes 4-16-2012

/ Planning Board Meeting Minutes 4-16-2012

Meeting Date : 16/04/2012

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Members Present:
Ginger Grab
Leigh Palmer
Harry Colgan
Michael Billeci
John Hallstein

Members Absent:
Donna Matthews

Susan Ezrati, Board Liaison and Secretary Pro‐Tem

Harry called the meeting to order at 7pm.
Minutes from the November 21, 2011 meeting were reviewed. Ginger moved and Leigh seconded approval of the minutes. The minutes were approved.

Harry distributed materials on a Hydro‐fracking conference sponsored by the Cari Institute. Bessina Harrar, 23 Broadway, was first on the agenda. She presented the Board with a completed plat plan to the Chair. Harry reviewed the plan, noting that the above ground pool is marked. In addition, he noted that the water and sewer would be along the shared driveway and would not need a right‐of‐way. The plan will be completed in time for the next regular meeting of the Board, when a public hearing is scheduled. Bessina will send out notifications.

Tom Jantzen
80‐82 Broadway was second on the agenda.
Tom presented the chair with a new survey that shows the location of the new fence. The Zoning Enforcement Officer needs to issue a fence permit, based on the plat that the Planning Board has approved. Height of the fence is 6 feet. Photos of the fence are provided for the file. No public hearing will be scheduled. The survey will be filed with the County. Assuming that the County approves the location of the fence. A fence permit will be issued by the ZEO.

Jake Stortini
Jesse Feldmus
Murray’s at 76 Broadway
Jake and Jesse presented the Board with a new survey that shows the location and dimensions of the driveway. They noted that Osaka has an easement from 76 Broadway that allows them to use the driveway. It is number 1982 p.568 of the County File. The chair asked for a copy of the existing easement. 76 Broadway will be asking Osaka for a one‐foot easement on their side of the driveway from Broadway. The Board has additionally asked for the fence that exists to be noted on the plot plan. The Osaka easement was presented to the Board. It still needs to be finalized with proper signatures. The board asked additional questions related to the plot plan. The applicant requested operating hours be from 7pm to 11pm seven days per week. The chair noted that he felt strongly that serving hours should conclude concurrent with the Village noise ordinance which goes into effect at 10 pm. The chair noted that acceptable music would be determined by village law. Leigh noted that the 10 pm cut‐off was noted at the prior meeting. Jake noted that it was their intention to keep the kitchen open until 10:30 pm. Ginger asked if it was crucial to their business to stay open past 9:30 pm. They noted that on weekends, concerts, etc. may result in later customers. Their request relates primarily to week end hours. The Board asked that the hours be limited to 10 pm. All five members were in agreement.

Harry delegated the issue of handicapped accessibility to the ZEO. The applicants presented lighting plans. Most lighting is landscaping lighting, i.e. low voltage/wattage lighting. Table candles will also be used. The Board noted that the lighting plan is satisfactory. The plan intention for music is recorded unamplified acoustic music through speakers attached to the building. The applicants will add the fence location to the Plot Plan. Photos of the fence and lighting were provided and will be included in the file. The chair agreed to ask the Village Clerk to schedule a public hearing for this applicants proposed plans for the regularly scheduled May meeting of the Planning Board. The applicant will get mailing addresses and materials from the Village clerk.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm

Susan Ezrati, Secretary Pro‐Tem