Call to Order / Determination of Quorum
The meeting, held at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, was opened at 7:02 pm and a quorum was determined to be present for the conduct of business.
Planning Board Attendees:
- Chair Mike Billeci
- John Hallstein
- Donna Matthews
- Ginger Grab
- Pamela Morin
Also Present:
- Trustee Susan Ezrati
- Applicants Jake Stortini and Jesse Feldmus
- Cindy Stortini
Old Business
Site Plan, Change of Use 73 Broadway (“Murray’s Tivoli”): Pamela Morin recused herself from the Board.
- Chair Billeci stated that this application had been submitted to Dutchess County Planning and they said it was a matter of local concern. The applicants stated there were no changes since the last meeting. The Board reviewed the application:
- They will be moving into the church building.
- Hours will be 7:00 am to 12:00 am. 3. The use of the patio will end at 10:00 pm.
- Signs canvas allweather flag in front of the building, metal sign located in front of the building lit from behind at night, not to exceed 30 square feet which is within the regulations.
- Lighting the only change to the current exterior lighting will be the lighting for the metal sign which will not shine on neighboring properties.
- Patio and fence – the stones will be reset in their existing positions. Cast iron fence, no more than four feet high in the style of the building will enclose the patio. The fence will have gates, one in the front, and one in the rear.
- Landscaping – will be limited to the fence height.
- Handicapped accessibility – unchanged.
- Parking – the lot at the rear of the building currently has sufficient spaces for this use. The required number of spaces is 42. There are over 50 spaces in the lot.
The Board had no issues or concerns with the application. Ginger Grab moved to end discussion and made a motion to approve the application. John Hallstein seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Pamela Morin returned to the Board.
The Board reviewed the draft minutes from the February 23, 2015 Planning Board meeting. Donna Matthews moved to approve the minutes as presented. John Hallstein seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Trustee Ezrati reminded the Board that on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm there will be a planning and zoning workshop here at Village Hall.
John Hallstein moved to close the meeting at 7:13 pm. Ginger Grab seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Claire Roff
Planning Board Clerk