Call to Order / Determination of Quorum
The meeting, held at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, was opened at 7:01 pm and a quorum
was determined to be present for the conduct of business.
Planning Board Attendees:
Chair Mike Billeci
John Hallstein
Donna Matthews
Also Present:
Applicants Joseph Luzzi and Helena Baillie
Applicant Jonathan Korzen
Trustee Susan Ezrati
ZBA Chair Laura Gail Tyler
Stephen Falk
Peter Mauney
Ginger Grab
Pamela Morin
New Business
Site Plan / Special Use Permit – 48 Broadway: Applicant Jonathan Korzen came before the Board with a site plan application for Dog Park Publishing. It is a retail and e-commerce
business. This application has been reviewed by Planner Michele Greig. The Board and the
applicant discussed her findings. The points discussed were:
- It is a Type II action under SEQR. Applicant filled out Part 1 of the SEQR form.
- Applicant stated that approximately 500 square feet will be for retail, the rest for ecommerce.
- The retail component is classified as general merchandise store and the e-commerce part is classified as light industry. This would require a special use permit and, therefore, a public hearing.
- The Comprehensive Plan for the Village wants to maintain a walkable village. The
Planning Board will put words in the resolution that the retail space would have to stay
there. If the retail space closes, the business will have to close. The applicant agreed. - Ms. Greig had some questions about the signs, the exact size and location. The applicant
was asked to submit a picture showing the sign, where it will be, etc. - This application was submitted to Dutchess County Planning Dept. for a 239-m review.
- Parking: this depends on the amount of square footage for the use. The files for this
property will be checked to see what has already been allocated.
John Hallstein moved to set a public hearing for November 23, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Donna Matthews seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Site Plan – North Road/Charlotte Lane: Joseph Luzzi came before the Board and discussed the house he and his wife want to build on Charlotte Lane. He showed the Board a rendering of what the house will look like. The applicant stated the following: he owns two lots. The house will go on the north lot and will sit 800 feet off the road on a flag lot. It will not be visible from North Road. On October 8, 2015 he presented paperwork to the Town of Red Hook Building
Inspector who then issued him a permit to pour the foundation and do the site work. At that
point the applicant indicated the size of the house and the building inspector was aware of how
big it would be. The work that has been done so far is the installing of the rough plumbing and
electrical work, erecting the 4 foot foundation walls around the perimeter and the pouring of
footings. They have substantially completed the driveway. When he received the initial permit
it was his understanding that the building was in compliance and he would be able to obtain the
remaining permit solely upon the presentation of engineer stamped plans. He was told this by
the building inspector. He was surprised to later hear from the building inspector that he would
not be able to proceed further but would have to go before the Planning Board because he is in
the Historic Overlay District. Mr. Luzzi is hoping to be able to secure timely approval and
continue the build without incurring a debilitating delay.
Chair Billeci stated that the subdivision was done prior to the new regulations that do not allow flag lots. The only question left is the bulk regulations and the size of the house. The Board will expedite the process in consideration of their hardship which was not of the applicant’s making. But the applicant will need to go through site plan approval with the Planning Board and the variance process with the ZBA.
Trustee Ezrati stated that she thought the Village attorney should be consulted. A discussion
followed. ZBA Chair Tyler stated she will contact the Village attorney.
Mr. Luzzi was asked to bring the site plan, elevations, exterior lighting, materials, colors, any
pictures, landscape plans, and the driveway and parking plans to the next Planning Board
Chair Tyler advised the applicant what he will need to bring to the ZBA meeting on November 2, 2015 as he will need at least two area variances; one for the size of the house and one for the size of the footprint unless Michele Greig comes back with something else. He will need to bring a site plan with the distances indicated on it.
John Hallstein moved to establish an escrow account of $300 to pay for the Planner. Donna
Matthews seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chair Billeci asked the applicant to think about the front of the lot which includes a monument
and how to accommodate it. It was determined that the monument is not on the applicant’s
John Hallstein moved to set a special meeting contingent on the ZBA scheduling a meeting on
November 16, 2015. Donna Matthews seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the draft minutes from the September 28, 2015 Planning Board meeting.
Donna Matthews moved to approve the minutes as presented. John Hallstein seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Donna Matthews moved to close the meeting at 8:09 pm. John Hallstein seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Claire Roff
Planning Board Clerk