Planning Board Meeting Minutes 1-26-2015

/ Planning Board Meeting Minutes 1-26-2015

Meeting Date : 26/01/2015

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Call to Order / Determination of Quorum

The meeting, held at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, was opened at 7:00 pm and a quorum was determined to be present for the conduct of business.

Planning Board Attendees:

  • Chair Mike Billeci
  • John Hallstein
  • Pamela Morin

Also Present:

  • Applicants Natalie and Kazio Sosnowski


  • Ginger Grab
  • Donna Matthews

Old Business

Site Plan, Change of Use – 54A Broadway “Tivoli General”: Chair Billeci stated that the only issues pending were the submission of the application to Dutchess County Planning, which was returned stating that it was a matter of local concern, and putting display shelves in front of the store. The Board discussed the display shelves. The two shelves will be 3’ x 3’ which is a few inches more than the width of the steps.

Pamela Morin questioned the parking allotted for this business. She stated that the spaces that were paid for years ago were for another business and not the one at 54A. Chair Billeci stated that if the change of use for the current business required a different amount of parking than what is currently there, then the Board should investigate it further. But since the parking requirements are the same for the current business, the rest of it is bookkeeping. A discussion followed. Chair Billeci stated that it should be in the Village record someplace whether or not parking was previously paid for by Marty Clarke. Pamela Morin stated that she has no problem with this application but if parking is an issue in the Village and other people are being held to it then it’s important that the Board be fair and enforce it across the Board. She volunteered to do some research to find out if there are parking spots for 54A Broadway that were already paid for.

John Hallstein moved that the Planning Board approve the application with the contingency that Pamela Morin will research the existing parking to ensure that it complies with the requirements and if it’s found to not comply then the applicants will be charged in lieu of parking for the shortcoming. Pamela Morin seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

The Board reviewed the draft minutes from the December 22, 2014 Planning Board meeting. John Hallstein moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mike Billeci seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.


Pamela Morin moved to close the meeting at 7:20 pm. John Hallstein seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Claire Roff

Planning Board Clerk