Call to Order / Determination of Quorum
The meeting, held at the Historic Watts de Peyster Hall, was opened at 7:02PM and a quorum was determined to be present for the conduct of business.
Planning Board Attendees:
- Chair Mike Billeci
- John Hallstein
- Ginger Grab
- Pamela Morin
- Donna Matthews
Also Present:
- Village Trustee/Planning Board Liaison, Susan Ezrati
- Applicants Peter and Sarah Sweeney
- Applicants Nancy and Jason McGrinder
- Applicant Brian Denu
- None Present
Chair Mike Billeci opened the meeting at 7:02 PM.
Peter and Sarah Sweeney were present regarding their lot line alteration. An EAF was presented; this will be forwarded to Michele Greig. The Planning Board recommended a joint meeting with the Red Hook Planning Board be held in order for both municipalities to discuss the project. All information surrounding their project will be forwarded to Michele Greig, and the Board will await her findings/comments/suggestions.
Michele Greig reviewed/summarized the project and its’ location. The memo provided by Michele was reviewed; the proposed garage is in the Historic Overlay district. There are size limitations. The footprint should be specified. A site plan was requested, scaled 100’ to an inch. This plan must contain a signature block and the plan should also be stamped by a licensed professional; either an architect or engineer from New York State.
The mean height was discussed and passes; however, the footprint needs to be smaller. The square footage is larger than allowed. The new building is not to exceed 1300 square feet. It is noted, the new structure must not contain an apartment. The driveway will come off of Katharine Street.
Michael McGrinder should talk with Jim Simmons regarding the culvert, per Pamela Morin, once again. A resolution was passed that a public hearing is not required as it is a straightforward project, and a public hearing is not warranted. John Hallstein made a motion that a public hearing was not required, Pamela Morin seconded; all in favor.
P & B Dutchess Properties:
Brian Denu presented P & B’s project of converting the old Champlin’s deli into a 2BR apartment. This project falls within the R & B district. The kitchen would be kept and partitions would be put up for the 2 bedrooms. The total square footage will be 650700 sq. ft. There will only be an internal change of use, no exterior changes.
The fire hydrant requires investigation and determining its’ appropriate location.
Parking was discussed; two spots are required and will be in front.
Walking on 9G, and the dangers associated with it, were discussed.
P & B Dutchess Properties was instructed to drop off an escrow check, and a drawing/site plan. Upon receipt, this information would be forwarded to Michele Greig. The Board will await Michele’s comments/suggestions.
The Board reviewed the DRAFT minutes from the December 28, 2015 meeting; on a motion made by Ginger Grab and seconded by John Hallstein; the minutes were accepted.
Donna Matthews moved to close the meeting at 7:46PM. Pamela Morin seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin L. Bruno
Village Clerk