Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes – 9-15-2021

/ Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes – 9-15-2021

Meeting Date : 15/09/2021

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September 15, 2021


A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on September 15, 2021 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY.  Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:15 PM.


Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Baldino, Trustee Mangieri


Others Present: Christine Chale, Counsel; Citrus Triplett, Kathy O’Connor and Jeanette Canaday

Media:  PANDA TV

The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Clerk’s report included:

  • 568 Trash tags sold
  • Two payrolls were processed by Village Treasurer, Bonnie Day
  • Laura Gail Tyler continues to support the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals at their meetings
  • The Clerk’s Office will be closed on Monday, October 11, 2021 in observance of Tivoli Human Rights Day


On a motion by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the August 18 Regular Meeting Minutes, September 1 Special Meeting Minutes, and the September 8 Workshop Minutes were approved, all in favor.


On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer, and seconded by Trustee Mangieri, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #4 totaling $99,171.51  was approved.   Trustee Ezrati moved that the bills be paid for the abstracts as presented, Trustee Baldino seconded the motion, all in favor.


Zoning Report


Trustee Ezrati read the Zoning Report provided by Gary Beck of Z3 Consultants.  Much going on, and Gary and his colleagues have been very busy.


Mayor Griffith reviewed the agenda and provided additional information regarding the forum and public hearing for the 13th on cannabis.


Mayor Griffith welcomed Trustee Mangieri.  Emily is a long time resident and Mayor Griffith has known her for decades.  Mayor Griffith is happy to have her on the Board, and believes she will bring positive things to the team.


Mayor Griffith took a few moments to review the AUD.



Regular Business


Deputy Mayor Majer made a motion that the Board Accept the AUD, Trustee Baldino seconded; all in favor.


RESOLUTION Establishing Election Day, Trustee Baldino made a motion, Trustee Ezrati seconded; all in favor.


RESOLUTION Establishing Election Inspectors, motion made by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer; all in favor.


RESOLUTION Classifying Action and Establishing a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Adoption of Local Law C (Proposed) of 2021, a Local Law Adopted Pursuant to NYS Cannabis Law 131 Opting Out of Allowing Retail Cannabis Dispensaries and On-Site Cannabis Consumption Establishments Within the Village of Tivoli; motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Ezrati; all in favor.


RESOLUTION Standard Work Day; motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Ezrati; all in favor.



Trustee Reports:


Trustee Ezrati


Trustee Ezrati reviewed the LOSAP program, and provided that at the end of August there was $220,000.00 in the fund.  This fund is for firefighters, and they receive $500.00 per year once they hit the eligibility age of 65.  They receive it that year, and each year thereafter.  It is managed by RBC Wealth Management, and they have a particular strategy for this fund.


Trustee Baldino


Court Report:  Trustee Baldino read the contents of the report which was provided by Court Clerk McGarry; $319.00 was remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.


Also, be aware that “backwards” parking is illegal.  Trustee Baldino sees it very often on Montgomery Street, these vehicles Will be ticketed; and, also, this is a hazard for bikers.


Deputy Mayor Majer


Keep your eye on the Tivoli Free Library website, there is lots to do this month, and next month.


October 26 brings an event which is a collaboration of many libraries, and is on Race.  For more information, you can contact Amy at


Also, coming up September 30 is Banned Book Week.


Museum passes are still available which include the NY Empire Pass, Museum of Fire fighting, and others.


October 14, there will be an event for Eleanor Roosevelt’s birthday.


Historic Red Hook has upcoming events including events on Slavery, a Cemetery Crawl, and the Fierce First Ladies Story Hour.


Good news:  the canoe launch is done and open in Tivoli Bays.


Mayor Griffith


Mayor Griffith welcomed Trustee Emily Mangieri once again.  Trustee Mangieri spoke and added she is honored to be here, and looks forward to working with everyone.


Saturday, September 18; there will be a 5K Run-Race for children’s cancer research.  Registration will be in the park; the run will begin in front of the firehouse, through the development and runners will finish in the park.


Also Saturday, September 18, it is Hardscrabble Day in Red Hook, the Village Board will be walking in the parade.


Sunday, September 19 is the Chicken BBQ at the firehouse.


Saturday, September 25 brings back the 20th Street Painting Festival; this event will run from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, and will be a covid-conscious event.  The event will maintain only ½ of the usual amount of squares.  April Marsh is doing a wonderful job of planning the event.  Volunteers are needed for the event, and those interested can contact Deputy Mayor Majer at


Sunday, September 26 brings Tivoli Fire Department’s Wetdown to celebrate the new ambulance and pumper truck.  These vehicles replace the 2 that were lost in the fire back in 2019.  There will be food, raffles, and new merchandise for sale.  This will be a fun event for all to attend.  It will also be the kick-off of the Capital Campaign to expand the firehouse.  This Campaign looks to raise 3 million dollars.


The Village of Tivoli and DCWWA received $50,000.00 for a generator for the new sewer plant.  The sewer plant will be replaced, not rebuilt.


Mayor Griffith extended his thanks to Ralph Torchia, Josh Cella and Philip Crisci, the Village’s DPW crew for all of their hard work.  Mayor Griffith mentioned they have all been working very hard, and the Village is looking good.




With covid in mind, there have not been big events, and also the Board has met outside a number of times.  If you are looking to receive Village info, sign up for the Village email.  And, also, you can write or call the trustees with what is on your mind.


Kathy O’Connor asked Trustee Ezrati how much of the money invested in the LOSAP fund is invested in funds that support fossil fuels.  Trustee Ezrati mentioned this would be difficult to tell.  Trustee Ezrati explained where the fund is invested, however, she will also contact RBS and look into it.


Regarding the Cannabis Forum, there was talk as to whether Jen Metzger could be present as it would be nice to have an expert present along with the Village of Tivoli residents.


Public Comment


Kathy O’Connor mentioned she wanted it in the minutes that the water tower has now been fully taken down.  Mayor Griffith reiterated that, yes, the 1938 water tower has been removed.  Kathy O’Connor mentioned that although she is happy and grateful to have the new tower, the old tower had a presence in the Village.  Mayor Griffith went on further to talk about the new tower, and its ability towards better fire protection.  Deputy Mayor Majer spoke of the wood-framed Village buildings which date back to 1860-1870, and the need for adequate fire protection and water flow.


Jeanette Canaday asked about the space where the tower was, and what would be done with it.  Mayor Griffith mentioned there have been suggestions of a pool and tennis courts, or sculptures.  However, there is no rush at this time, the Board plans to wait, and they will decide what to do with it at a later date.


Deputy Mayor Majer brought up the giant ball pit in the park, and its heavy use.  Trustee Baldino spoke of Gaga Ball, and Mayor Griffith added that it has been a huge hit.


Trustee Mangieri spoke of the new tower site, and that it is lovely and immaculate.  Trustee Mangieri also told of a recent accident outside of her house.  She went on further to say the Tivoli Fire Department showed up within minutes, and there was a young woman who was an EMT, and responded very quickly.  She is so impressed each and every time.  They are “All In.”  She extended thanks and said “Good Job by TFD.”


On a motion by Trustee Ezrati and seconded by Trustee Mangieri, the meeting was adjourned at

8:08 PM, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,




Robin L. Bruno

Village Clerk