Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes – 5-19-2021

/ Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes – 5-19-2021

Meeting Date : 19/05/2021

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May 19, 2021


A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on May 19, 2021 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY.  Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:05 PM.


Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Schneider, Trustee Baldino


Others Present:  Christine Chale

Media:  PANDA TV

The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


The Clerk’s report included:

  • 560 Trash tags sold
  • Two payrolls were processed by Village Treasurer, Bonnie Day
  • Deputy Clerk, Laura Gail, continues to hold meetings for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals; she does continue to work remotely


On a motion by Trustee Schneider, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the April 21 Regular Meeting Minutes and the May 12 Workshop Minutes were approved, all in favor.


On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer, and seconded by Trustee Baldino, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #12 totaling $75,482.99 was approved.   Trustee Ezrati moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented, Trustee Schneider seconded the motion, all in favor.


Zoning Report


A Zoning Report was not discussed.


Mayor Griffith wished to give Larissa DeLango, the Village’s new Deputy Building Inspector and Deputy Zoning Enforcement Officer time to get acclimated, and then she will begin to provide monthly reports.


Regular Business


RESOLUTION Establishing a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Adoption of Local Law A (Proposed) of 2021, a Local Law Amending and Restating Chapter 20 (Code of Ethics) of the Code of the Village of Tivoli; motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Schneider; all in favor.

RESOLUTION Establishing a Date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Adoption of Local Law B (Proposed) of 2021 Amending Section 212-5 of the Village Code Regarding Regulations for Parking, Standing, and Stopping; motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Ezrati; all in favor.


RESOLUTION Authorizing the Creation of a Firehouse Expansion Capital Reserve Fund and Authorizing the Deposit Therein of Not to Exceed $3,000,000. Subject to Permissive Referendum; motion made by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Schneider; all in favor.


2021/2022 TAX WARRANT; motion made by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Baldino; all in favor.




Trustee Reports:




Trustee Ezrati


Trustee Ezrati provided a report and information on the LOSAP program.  She added that the fire department has many new members lately under the leadership and guidance of the Chief.  She went on further to add information regarding the point system, the investment system, and its success as of late.




Trustee Schneider


Court Report:  Trustee Schneider read the contents of the report which was provided by Court Clerk McGarry; $1,105.00 was remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.




Trustee Baldino


Trustee Baldino reiterated that traffic on Broadway can be heavy, along with parking, and asked residents and visitors to please try to not do K-turns on Broadway in front of the Post Office.  The parking, especially on weekends, can be scarce, and attempting to turn around in front of the Post Office on Broadway typically blocks traffic.  It is easy to take Pine Street in order to either come into the Village or leave, and alleviates the amount of cars and congestion of traffic.




Deputy Mayor Majer


Deputy Mayor Majer spoke about the Tivoli Free Library, and how successful it is.  A Community Shred Day is coming up on Saturday, May 22 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.  Also, a Bollywood Dance Workshop is coming up on Fridays from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.


Friends of Clermont is hosting many events.  Deputy Mayor Majer encouraged folks to get out now that constraints are loosening.


Historic Red Hook is planning an author talk on Thursday, May 20, based on the War of 1812.


Presently, there is no word on the dock in Tivoli Bays.  You are able to launch a canoe, but be aware that it is very muddy.  Keep a look out for animals in the Bays, do enjoy the fragrant flowers, but be careful of ticks.




Mayor Griffith


Mayor Griffith welcomed the new Department of Public Works staff member, Josh Cella.  Josh worked as a temporary employee during the summer a few summers ago, and he has now become a full time employee, filling the vacancy due to Cody Thayer living the Village.


In regards to the Tivoli Summer Recreation Camp, there have been meetings about it, and it appears it will be held this summer.  Tentative dates will be in August; there is a lot to do with Dutchess County for the program, and Mayor Griffith, Trustee Baldino, and Laura Gail Tyler have been working out details.


The Clean-Up Day that has taken place in recent years will be offered again in August.  Information and details will be coming up by next month; do keep an eye out for these, and details regarding signing up will be provided.


As much as DPW is able to pick up leaves and grass in paper bags, the Village does not have the capacity to accept sticks and twigs.  There is not a place here in the Village to leave it.  Please do not place sticks or twigs in the paper bags.  You can use the bags for leaves and grass, and place them curbside; DPW will pick them up.


The Village has applied for 2 grants; these are applications for a generator for the sewer plant, as well as a generator for Village Hall.  Our fingers are crossed, and we are hoping to hear good news.  These grants were once called the Municipal Innovations Grants, now are referred to as Municipal Investment Grants.


Regarding the water project, the work is mostly done on Broadway.  The red paint being used for the crosswalks is now backordered; once the paint is in, work will proceed, and we hope it will be completed soon.  The paving part of the grant funding requires that only areas that were disturbed will get repaved.  There have been many questions regarding paving the entire road, however, therein is the answer as to why only the specific areas are being repaved.  The new water tank is full of water.  This will stay for 1 month, when a series of tests will be completed prior to usage.  The interior of the tank is painted, and these tests are required prior to the contents being made available.  The old tank from 1938 will be taken down at the end of June.  During this time, a large area of the park will be closed.  From the basketball court to the Community Garden will be fenced off during the time that the tower is dismantled.  Although many folks have had ideas and opinions of what to do with the metal of the old tower, it has been decided that the metal will be sold as scrap metal, and the value of this will then go back into the project’s finances.


Regarding the Shoreline Stabilization project, Mayor Griffith met with Crawford and Associates, and they’ve coordinated with the railroad for the building up and stabilization of the shoreline.  This is a DEC approved design, and the stabilization consists of there being interspersed with special plantings to preserve the ground against erosion.  These plantings, along with riprap enables the shoreline to be protected against erosion.


Mayor Griffith announced that Mayor Ed Blundell has resigned as Mayor of the Village of Red Hook.  Friday, May 21, will be Ed’s last day.  Mayor Griffith went on to add that Mayor Blundell has been a perfect collaborator.  Mayor Blunder always invited the Village of Tivoli Board of Trustees to parades and other Village of Red Hook events.  Mayor Blundell has been an exemplary small town Mayor; he had an outstanding work ethic, and Mayor Griffith thanked Ed for al of his hard work, and sent his best wishes to Ed and his family.


Deputy Mayor Majer advised that this would be the last meeting for Trustee Schneider.  She is moving, and will be stepping down from her position on Tivoli’s Village Board.  The Deputy Mayor went on further to add that it has been a pleasure to serve with Trustee Schneider.


Trustee Schneider looked back upon her accomplishments as a Trustee, and was happy and proud that she had the opportunity to see multiple projects to the end since first being appointed to her position by then Mayor Bryan Cranna.  Trustee Schneider spoke about the feasibility study for the water system, and is happy she got to see it to fruition.  She has been an active Board member for 7 years of the 20 that she has spent here in Tivoli, and she made the choice to move here and raise her family.  Timing now, however, draws her to move to the Town of Red Hook, and she will visit Tivoli Quite often.  She added that it has been a huge honor to serve with these members of the Board for the residents of the Village of Tivoli.





Mayor Griffith went on to mention that Trustee Schneider leaves big shoes to fill, and she was an absolute powerhouse in every way; assisting with the Union, and other various projects in the park.  She had a deep sense of participating and will continue to serve on a committee here in the Village.  Trustee Schneider added again that she was proud to have served on this Board.


Trustee Ezrati added that Trustee Schneider brought a sense of professionalism to the Village Board, and always “did her homework,” “checked the fine print,” and made sure to do things according to the law, which made things easier.


Deputy Mayor Majer added that Trustee Schneider was a “savage tire kicker.”  A round of applause was provided for Trustee Schneider, and many added she will be missed.




Public Comment


There was no public comment.


On a motion by Trustee Schneider and seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the meeting was adjourned at

7:46 PM, all in favor.

Respectfully submitted,




Robin L. Bruno

Village Clerk