March 17, 2021
A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on March 17, 2021 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:01 PM.
Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Schneider, Trustee Cole
The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- Trash tags sales
- Two payrolls were processed
- Deputy Clerk continues to hold meetings for the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals; she does continue to work remotely.
- Village Election Results: 79 Total Votes; 77 Mayor Griffith, 78 Trustee Ezrati and 75 to our newest Trustee, Peter Baldino. Congratulations to all!
On a motion by Trustee Schneider, seconded by Trustee Cole, the February 17 Regular Meeting Minutes and March 10 Workshop Minutes were approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer, and seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #10 totaling $51,844.43 was approved. Trustee Cole moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented and Deputy Mayor Majer seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report
A Zoning Report was not discussed.
Regular Business Clerk Bruno presented the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget to the Village Board of Trustees, which she had received from Mayor Griffith, also the Village Budget Officer.
Trustee Reports:
Trustee Ezrati
Trustee Ezrati spoke about the Red Hook Rotary and how Marc Hildenbrand, Chief of the Tivoli Fire Department was a recent guest speaker at a Rotary meeting. Trustee Ezrati was pleased to announce that the Tivoli Fire Department membership has recently doubled, and it is considered to be the largest fire company in northeast Dutchess County. The burst in membership for the company is due to strong leadership and training. She briefly spoke about LOSAP.
The Solid Waste Committee has been working, and they will be consulting with Mayor Griffith to make a firm recommendation to go forward.
Trustee Schneider
Court Report: Trustee Schneider read the contents of the report which was provided by Court Clerk McGarry; $45.00 was remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.
Trustee Cole
Trustee Cole offered a reminder that although vaccines are out, and being received, please remember to stay 6 feet apart, and continue to wash your hands often. Mask-up and get your vaccines!
Also, Trustee Cole added to please pick up after your dog when taking walks and are out and about.
Deputy Mayor Majer
Deputy Mayor Majer spoke about Friends of Clermont, and the Tivoli Free Library. Samantha Hunt is an upcoming guest author.
Jeff Urbin will be conducting a talk on Eleanor Roosevelt on March 25, 2021.
Spring is here, Montgomery Place is open on weekends; do get out and enjoy the outdoors.
Tivoli Bays is muddy, ticks are out, but, do take advantage of the outside, especially during this time when so many have been inside due to Covid.
Mayor Griffith
Mayor Griffith thanks everyone for their patience during the construction. Luizzi Brothers has been working diligently, they are almost to the water tower. Connections will be made to the water main’s and eventually everything will be cleaned up.
Painting of the water tower could begin as early as April 1. It will be the same paint scheme as present, and could take 10-14 days. It will say “Tivoli” 3 times around the tower. Demolition of the old water tower will begin during the latter 1/2 of July, although this date could change due to weather. The park will be fenced off during this time, along with the skate ramp, the basketball courts, the ice skating rink barriers, and the community garden. Safety is paramount during this time, and please stay clear of these areas.
The new carpets for Village Hall are in, the present carpets will be removed, the floors will be prepped, and the new carpets are being prepped for install, as well.
The LWRP Update Committee has been recommencing; they met last week. They will be reviewing old documents, and have noted that much was achieved within the time period following 1991, which was when the last document was made. There will be public visioning meetings. And, it is exciting to venture into the community values, and this will guide the planning until the next update.
Mayor Griffith stated he was humbled and grateful to be elected to serve a 4th term as Mayor of the Village of Tivoli. He looks forward to serving the citizens, he looks forward to many projects, as there is much to do, as he works along with the Village Board. He congratulated Trustee Ezrati on her re-election, and welcomed Peter Baldino, the newest Trustee.
Trustee Cole added that this is her final official board meeting. She did not run for her Trustee position due to professional commitments, and welcomed Peter Baldino. She thanked everyone for their support during her term. She reflected on her term and was surprised to claim that so much had occurred, the fire at the firehouse, the sale of St. Sylvia’s, along with a global pandemic, just within 2 short years. These issues had prompted a lot of extra as a Trustee, however she loved every moment, and feels it was a great honor to serve. She added that during her term, the Village did lose members of its’ community. She spoke briefly about Aubrey Hassan and Lydia Cordier, just to name a couple. Trustee Cole enjoyed the festivals, the potlucks, and the amazing journey it was as an Official. She has been here 20 years, and thanked Mayor Griffith, the Village Board, Clerk Bruno and Treasurer Day, and added she plans to continue to do all that she can in the future.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer and seconded by Trustee Schneider, the meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin L. Bruno
Village Clerk