June 17, 2020
A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on June 17, 2020 with Mayor Griffith and Deputy Mayor Majer at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY, and Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Cole, Trustee Schneider, Counsel Christine Chale, and Clerk Bruno remote. Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:02 PM.
Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Cole, Trustee Schneider
Media: PANDA TV via Live Stream, Danielle Maloney
The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- Sale of 430 trash tags
- Two payrolls were processed
- Deputy Clerk has been busy with both Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeal projects both working in the office and remotely from home to ensure appropriate progress on all present projects
Erin Cannann
On a motion by Trustee Cole, seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer, the May 13 Workshop minutes, May 20 Regular Meeting minutes, and June 10 Workshop minutes were approved, roll call vote; all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, and seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer, the Treasurer’s Reports for Abstract #13 totaling $1,783.55 and Abstract #1 totaling $161,227.51 were approved. Trustee Cole moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented and Trustee Ezrati seconded the motion, roll call vote; all in favor.
Zoning Report
A Zoning Report was not provided.
Mayor Griffith summarized the agenda and opened the meeting for public comments on agenda items only; there was no comment.
RESOLUTION #20; Budget Modifications; motion made by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Cole; all in favor. Trustee Ezrati commented that she thought these budget modifications seemed in line with end of the year modifications.
RESOLUTION #21; Temporary Waiving of Planning/Zoning Restrictions Due to COVID-19; motion made by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Cole; roll call vote; all in favor.
There was a board discussion on 83 Broadway. Attorney Chale indicated John Fenton will be sending notices recommending the move to demolish. The property is a danger. The owners were contacted last fall, and from October through November and up until now the issues have continued. Potentially a hearing will be scheduled due to these dangerous conditions, and there has been no pursuit of remedy.
Trustee Ezrati asked questions about the structure and about the structural conditions being dangerous. The Board will schedule a hearing and request funds from the owner for demolition. A situation similar to this lately, the owner came forward and John Fenton will have to keep an eye on this one.
Discussion went on to the topic of PSA Studios, and their packets which were distributed. PSA is working on the addition to the firehouse. Deputy Mayor Majer was impressed with what he delivered. Mayor Griffith added the materials were extremely detailed. Trustee Schneider mentioned it was good material and she had a comprehensive understanding of the proposal and Trustee Cole agreed. Mayor Griffith mentioned the doors are in place, and they are beautiful. Marc Hildenbrand, the Chief, has worked very hard during the reconstruction, and the Village is lucky to have these members who have worked hard to rebuild.
The Siren came up for discussion. 10 years ago the siren became defunct. It used to go off every day at 12:00 Noon; it is on the roof of Village Hall. Prior to cell phones, the siren would blow when there were fires. It is a small town element. It is a historical point for the Village as it would blast for structure fires, and there was a system then put in place which had a number of blasts which corresponded to either a structure fire or a weather event. Due to electrical issues it had been decommissioned, but it is now back in action from those 10 years ago.
Betty Simmons used to use their home phone in order to sound the siren; it was a sort of “Red Phone.” She may be interviewed in order to tell of the days when she would sound the siren from home, and this can be added to the community history.
The Tivoli Free Library is working on reopening. Michele DelPriore, the Director, is working with their staff, and the Board of Trustees on cleaning, pandemic policies, and reopening procedures. Their goal is to be open assorted days, and have the library as clean as possible for all residents and visitors.
Trustee Reports:
Trustee Reports were suspended.
Trustee Ezrati
Trustee Ezrati commented on the LOSAP program; the program is doing a good job with its’ value and ongoing.
Trustee Schneider
Trustee Cole
Deputy Mayor Majer
Mentioned the local support network and how well it is going. Dutchess County is looking for Contact Tracers, and for this there is a 4-hour training. Red Hook Responds is a phenomenal organization and is taking care of many people. Donations can be made to the United Methodist Church Food Pantry; and, the DC Community Action Agency has a food pantry, and also has people who can assist others with health insurance and other assorted forms if they need assistance completing these.
Deputy Mayor Majer suggests getting out in nature. If you see baby animals, rest assured their mothers are not far behind. Please give them space.
Also, ticks are out. While you are out, please pick up your dog refuse.
Deputy Mayor Majer offered her congratulations to the Bard College graduates; she sees this as a tremendous accomplishment, and she will miss many of the student graduates when they leave the Village.
Mayor Griffith and Deputy Mayor Majer mentioned the meeting with the Town of Red Hook, and the Village of Red Hook which will discuss what is to come. There will be ongoing meetings which will move through the summer, and with these they will be able to keep the communities up to date. It was a good meeting.
Mayor Griffith
Mayor Griffith and Deputy Mayor Majer once again offered their Congratulations to the Bard College Class of 2020. Mayor Griffith mentioned the potential of a kindergarten graduation being held in the Village, and this would be quite cute.
Mayor Griffith thanked everyone for the Zoom meetings.
Public Comment
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer and seconded by Trustee Schneider, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM, all in favor.
Robin L. Bruno
Village Clerk