A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on August 19, 2015 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Griffith called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Bruno, Trustee Ezrati and Trustee Majer.
Absent: Trustee Schneider
Public: Julio Olivencia, Thomas Crisci, Sr, Grady Nixon, Dave and Karen Cleaveland.
The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- Sale of 565 trash tags
- Two payrolls
- Attended one Planning Board meeting
- Water/sewer bills preparation for September 1 mailing
- Closed on September 7 in observance of Labor Day
On a motion by Trustee Majer, seconded by Deputy Mayor Bruno, the minutes for July 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting were approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Majer, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract 3, dated August 19, 2015, in the amount of $44,168.45 was approved, all in favor. Deputy Mayor Bruno moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented and Trustee Majer seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report – Trustee Ezrati
- July 13 through August 18
- Seven new permits issued
- Inspections
- Fourteen open permits
- Nine passed inspection
- Four completed and closed, one remains open
- Six certificates of completion and one certificate of occupancy were issued
- Three complaints
- Closed out one for a setback for an existing barn approved by the ZBA
- Two open complaints for brush and tree limbs stacked against a building and a roll off container parked on
the street
No correspondence was received by the Village.
Mayor Griffith summarized the agenda and opened the meeting for public comments on agenda items only. There were no public comments.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Majer, RESOLUTION 28 -2015, DATED AUGUST 19, 2015, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION IN THE VILLAGE OF TIVOLI was approved. Roll call: Griffith: aye, Bruno: aye, Ezrati: aye, Majer: aye, Schneider: absent.
Mayor Griffith stated the study will begin next month and conclude in December and will give a detailed report of the conditions and costs associated with the water and sewer system. When the study is complete, the Village will have a series of discussions about whether the Village wants to maintain ownership of the existing systems or possibly transfer them to the DCWWA.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Bruno, seconded by Trustee Majer, RESOLUTION 29-2015, DATED AUGUST 19, 2015, APPROVING UPDATE TO PROCUREMENT POLICY OF THE VILLAGE OF TIVOLI, was approved, all in favor.
Mayor Griffith stated that he will be holding a meeting with anyone who is a potential purchaser in the Village to study the procurement policy so that everyone understands it.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Deputy Mayor Bruno, RESOLUTION 30-2015, DATED AUGUST 19, 2015, AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF THE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR DESIGNATED ENGINEER, was approved, all in favor.
Mayor Griffith announced that Village Attorney Christine Chale was named Rotarian of the Year by the Red Hook Rotary Club.
The next regular meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall. The workshop will be held at 6:00pm before the meeting. There will be a workshop on September 9, 2015 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall at 7:00pm.
Trustee Reports:
Deputy Mayor Bruno
- Summer Rec Program
- Program is complete
- Small group
- New staff
- Went well
- Needs volunteers for park
- When things get cooler
- Contact Deputy Mayor Bruno to volunteer
- Masons and the American Legion
- Dinners and breakfasts
Trustee Ezrati
- Tivoli Day
- Video by Kathy O’Connor showed races and tug of war
- Lots of kids in the park
- Group photo by Peter Mauney – print to be displayed in Village Hall
- Water/Sewer
- Well Report
- Almost five inches of rain in July
- Five water main breaks
- Three on Woods Road
- One on North Road
- One somewhere else
- Last house on Woods Road had no water due to debris in water from the water main breaks
- Water Quality Report
- Two water samples taken each month
- No violations
- Testing every month
- Two different locations are tested monthly
- Ecoli and coli form
- Well Report
Mayor Griffith stated that water main breaks interrupt the DPW regular work schedule.
- Fire Department
- Tom Crisci, Sr. – grant for $132,000 for turn out gear and bail out systems has been applied for through FEMA and is pending approval
- Street Painting Festival
- October 3, 2015
- 15th Annual Festival
- Library board will participate with a poster with photos from fifteen festivals
Trustee Majer
- Tivoli Library
- Many ongoing programs
- Monthly Book and Movie Selection
- Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein
- Read it on your own and come August 27 at 6 pm to see the 1931 horror movie
- Potluck supper during the movie
- NYS DEC educational canoe trips (free) gear in Tivoli Bays on September 3. Contact the Library to register
- Monthly Book and Movie Selection
- Many ongoing programs
- Tivoli Library and the Friends of Clermont
- Co-hosting an author event on September 12
- At Clermont cottage on the Clermont Historic Site
- Akiko Busch – “The Incidental Steward: Reflections on Citizen Science”
- Call 518-537-6622 to reserve- space is limited
Mayor Griffith
- Justice Report
- $615 remitted to the State Comptroller’s Office
- Shared Services Grant
- First grant had leftover funds – an extension was granted for these funds
- Funds are being used for:
- Asset inventory completed for the three municipalities
- Three people tagged equipment with a one year or more life span, valued at $250 or more
- Data will be maintained on software
- Asset inventory will help with capital planning
- Second grant has been applied for and pending approval
- Repaving on Broadway
- Dutchess County has repaved the worst part of Broadway near the Madalin Bridge
- There will be striping in the village including in front of the fire house after the paving is complete
- Pocket Park
- Dutchess County owns a parcel on the southwest corner of the Madalin Bridge which is parallel to the creek
- County Executive Marcus Molinaro has a plan to make a pocket park
- There will be parking spaces and a 180 foot trail terminating in a viewing area
- This project is not within the Village’s control
- Mayor Griffith presented the initial ideas to the Board of Trustees who have given suggestions
- County representatives will come to do a presentation for the proposed park
- The tentative date is October 1 on the third floor of Village Hall
- Feedback from residents is encouraged
- A former mill site and millstone is located along the creek
Public comments centered on the nuisance laws, trash cans and old mattresses left out in the village, parking on front lawns, TFD fund drive, the proposed pocket park, one way arrow and/or striping for Feroe Avenue, one way sign for the municipal parking lot next to Panzur, brush and tree limbs zoning complaint, speeding on Montgomery Street, speed wagon on Broadway and Tivoli Day.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Bruno and seconded by Trustee Majer, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gonnella
Village Clerk/Treasurer