A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on April 15, 2015 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Griffith called the meeting to order at 7:50 pm.
Prior to the meeting, oaths of office were taken by Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Bruno, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Majer and Acting Justice Ludwig.
Awards were given – the Victory Award: Justin Tedaldi, Angelo Staffiero Award: Mary Anspach, James Starr Clarke Award: Jeanette Canady and Alan T. Covert Award: Bettina Mueller.
Mayor Griffith announced that Tivoli Community Day will be held on Saturday, August 8, 2015 in Memorial Park.
Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Bruno, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Schneider, Trustee Majer and Attorney Chale.
Public: Laura Lee Kline, Hildegard Edling, Richard Edling, Kathy O’Connor, Barbara Melinsky, Ginger Grab, Linda LeGendre, Barbara Eichin, Harry Colgan, Judi Gerson, Bernard Gerson, Greg Moynahan, Jan Anspach, Toby Tieger, Patricia Tieger, Rosalie Rossi, Thomas Crisci, Sr., Mary Anspach, Frances Soosman, Donna Matthews, Peter Mauney, Laura Gail Tyler, David Bruno, Robert McKeon, Barbara Fiore, and Amy Cohen.
The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- Sale of 622 trash tags
- Two payrolls
- One planning board meeting
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Schneider, the minutes for the March 18, 2015 Regular Board Meeting and the March 26, 2015 Special Meeting Minutes and the April 9, 2015, 2015 Public Hearing Minutes were approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Bruno, seconded by Trustee Majer, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract 11, dated April 15, 2015, in the amount of $30,385.24 was approved, all in favor. The Treasurer’s Report is posted on the Village’s website each month. Trustee Schneider moved that the bills be paid as presented and Trustee Ezrati seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report – Trustee Ezrati
- Permit was issued to install an emergency boiler
- Two permits issued totaling $1,445
- New construction of a single family residence
No correspondence was received by the village
Mayor Griffith opened the meeting for public comments on agenda items only. There were no public comments.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Bruno, seconded by Trustee Schneider, the 2015-2016 Re-Organizational Package was approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Majer, seconded by Deputy Mayor Bruno, Resolution 9-2015, dated April 15, 2015, Relating to Annual Re-organization, was approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Schneider, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the Village of Tivoli’s Code of Ethics was approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Majer, Resolution 10-2015, dated April 15, 2015, Budget Modifications, was approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Bruno, seconded by Trustee Schneider, Resolution 11-2015, dated April 15, 2015, Establishing Unpaid Water/Sewer liens in the amount of $5,293.52 was approved, all in favor.
The next regular meeting will take place on May 20, 2015 at 7:00pm at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall. The workshop will be held at 6:00pm before the meeting. There will be a workshop on May 13, 2015 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall at 7:00pm.
Trustee Reports:
Deputy Mayor Bruno
- Senior/Veteran Affairs
- Repairs to be made to veteran’s monuments and the landscaping
- Working with the American Legion on the project
- Easter Egg Hunt was held April 4
- Tivoli Fire Department and Village worked together
- Thanked sponsors
- Various crafts and activities were held
- The local boys scouts helped als0
Trustee Ezrati
- Planning and Zoning Seminar held last week
- Ted Fink of Greenplan was the instructor
- Ten members attended
- Another meeting is scheduled for May
- A number of members also attended a Dutchess County Planning Workshop
- Tivoli Fire Department
- Tom Crisci, Jr has scheduled several members for a health and safety course in Ulster County
- Water System Operations Report
- Well Report
- Two water main breaks
- Spring Street and North Road
- No violations
- Testing every month
- Two different locations are tested monthly –Broadway and North Road
- Ecoli and coli form
Trustee Schneider
- Justice Court
- $2,395. submitted to the Comptroller’s office
- Tivoli Business and Artist Alliance
- Meeting on a monthly basis
- Next meeting is May 4 at 6:00pm at Village Hall
- Email invitations with an agenda attached will be sent
- Email address is tivolibiz@gmail.com
- Trail Development
- Town of Red Hook Program impacts the Village of Tivoli
- Additional Information will follow
- Department of Public Works
o Reports will begin next month - Shared Services
- Feasibility Study
- Has been ongoing for one year
- Monthly meetings are open to the public for observation only
- April 22 meeting will be held at 9:30 am at the Town of Red Hook
- A public meeting will be held on April 29 at 7:30 pm at the Red Hook Town Hall – public participation is welcome at this meeting
- Feasibility Study
Trustee Majer
- Tivoli Library
- Many ongoing programs
- Estate Planning – April 18
- Spanish Language Class – April 25
- Comic Book Day – May 2
- Visit www.tivolilibrary.org for complete calendar
- Library revitalization project
- New carpet
- New shelves – need volunteers to move books
- New solar shades
- Many ongoing programs
Mayor Griffith
- Police
- Stop speeding campaign
- Met with Captain Watterson of the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office
- There will be enforcement throughout the Village for speeding and noise and late night house parties
- Reviewing the Village’s value received for the expenditure
- Village Clean Up Day
- April 25, 2015
- Gloves and bags will be supplied
- Meet at Village Hall at 1:00 pm
- Hopes that Bard students will help also
- Community Garden
- Still some plots left
- Contact tivolicommunitygarden@gmail if you are interested in a plot
- Fourth season
- $30 each for 8 X 12 plot
- Fees will help pay for raised beds made of white oak for the rest of the garden
- Consider sharing a plot
- Dutchess County Bridge Project Meeting
- The bridge abutments are sound and it will cost less to use them
- Project is set to begin in 2017
- Bridge will be out of service for five to six months
- Alternative routes of Kidd Lane and points north will be utilized
- Village of Tivoli will dictate the look of the new bridge
- Existing plaque will remain and Bernie Tieger plaque will be added
- Bridge lanes will be wider
- Bridge sidewalk will be wider
- There will be wider shoulder for snow plowing
- 85 year life span for the bridge
- Dutchess County Planning 9G Corridor Study
- Project is 1/3 completed
- Area is from Route 199 north to County Route 78
- Nine intersections
- In the data collection stage now
- Police reports are used to evaluate how to make it more safe
- There are two spurs – Annandale Road (County Route 103) and County Route 78
- There will be two public workshops on May 6 – 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm at the Bard College Campus Center
- Feedback is welcome
Public comments centered on the proposed crosswalk from the library to Pine Street, increased police patrols, walking and biking safety, truck ramp repairs at the firehouse, vandalism at the firehouse, speeding in the village, the village’s exposure to oil spills from trains and ships near the Hudson River, parking, and a dog park in Memorial Park.
On a motion by Trustee Majer and seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 pm, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gonnella
Village Clerk/Treasurer