March 15, 2023
A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on March 15, 2023 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Griffith opened the regular meeting at 7:00 PM.
Present: Mayor Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Shilling, Trustee Baldino
Absent: Trustee Mangieri
Public Present: Masha Zabara, Hayden Sartoris, Anna Siftar, Tyler Emerson, Jillian Reed, Victor Feldman
Others Present: Christine Chale, Village Attorney
Media: PANDA
The Mayor asked all present at the meeting to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- 364 Trash tags sold
- Two payrolls were processed by Village Treasurer, Bonnie Day
- Deputy Clerk Tyler covered hours, along with Treasurer Day, in the Clerk’s Office; Clerk Bruno thanked both, along with Mayor Griffith for covering the office during her absence.
- Tuesday, March 21, 2023 from 12:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Village Elections will take place at the Tivoli Firehouse. A sample ballot is available. Personal Absentee Ballot applications will be accepted until Monday, March 20, 2023.
- Regarding upcoming events, Mayor Griffith announced that the Tivoli Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, potentially in Tivoli’s Memorial Park.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Shilling, the February 15 Regular Meeting Minutes and March 8 Public Hearing Minutes were approved, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Baldino and seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract #10 totaling $88,880.50. was approved. Trustee Shilling moved that the bills be paid for the abstract as presented, Deputy Mayor Majer seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report
Trustee Shilling read the report provided by Z3 Consultants. Mayor Griffith reviewed the law regarding trash cans.
Regular Business:
On a motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Shilling, a special meeting was made for Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 3:45 PM to set a public hearing for the 2023-2024 tentative budget; all in favor.
On a motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Shilling, the 2023 Holiday Schedule was approved; all in favor.
RESOLUTION Establishing a date for a Public Hearing Regarding the Adoption of Local Law C (Proposed) of 2023 Amending Chapter 205, Article III of the Village of Tivoli Code Regarding Volunteer Fire Fighters and Ambulance Workers; on a motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Baldino; all in favor.
RESOLUTION Authorize Adoption by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Tivoli of Local Law A (Proposed) of 2023 Amending the Enforcement Provisions of the Village of Tivoli Building Code Administration Law and Zoning Law; motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Baldino; all in favor.
RESOLUTION Authorize Adoption by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Tivoli of Local Law B (Proposed) of 2023 Amending Chapter 212, Section 212-7 of the Village of Tivoli Code Regarding Speed Limits; motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Shilling; all in favor.
RESOLUTION Budget Modifications; motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Shilling; all in favor.
Trustee Reports:
Trustee Shilling
Trustee Shilling mentioned he had met with Phyllis Palmer and was meeting with a Rhinebeck Trustee and owner of The O-Zone working on composting and the solid waste committee.
Trustee Baldino
Court Report: Trustee Baldino read the contents of the report which was provided by Court Clerk McGarry; $1,463.00 was remitted to the Office of the State Comptroller.
Trustee Mangieri
Deputy Mayor Majer
Deputy Mayor Majer read the police report provided by Red Hook Police Department. She commented on parking backwards.
The Tivoli Free Library has many activities coming up, along with Historic Red Hook.
Tivoli Bays is very muddy with ticks, and the boat launch will be out soon.
Mayor Griffith
The door knob to the front door of Village Hall is in the process of being repaired, as well as the lights in the parking lot.
The 13 old double-utility poles in the Village will be worked on; there will be crews with heavy equipment. The Village will get to keep the poles, and will find alternate uses for them.
Public Comment
Masha Zabara suggested an informal gathering before the Re-Organizational meeting, such as a community dinner at the American Legion. She was thinking 10-30 people, and these folks could go from the dinner to the meeting. There was discussion regarding Re-Organizational meetings of the past, where the State of the Village was read, and Mayor Griffith provided a synopsis of meetings and spoke of oaths and awards.
The Red Hook Community Center and Red Hook Responds is conducting a Community Needs Assessment; it is an on-line survey, and will provide an accurate picture of needs in the Village and surrounding communities. The survey will be reviewed. Mayor Griffith commended the representatives for taking this on, and the results will be shared.
Also, there is room on the email list; to receive the email blasts, you can go to the Village website and sign up.
Village Justice, Howard “Corky” Clark passed away at home with his wife, Nancy, and their son, Wade, with him. Margaret Lemon kept scrapbooks, and Mayor Griffith showed pictures of when Corky was appointed by Marcus Molinaro in February 2000. The “bench” in the court room will be dedicated to Justice Clark, and the meeting was adjourned in memory of Justice Clark.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Majer and seconded by Trustee Baldino, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM, all in favor.
Submitted by,
Robin L. Bruno
Village Clerk