APRIL 12, 2023
6:00 PM
Present: Mayor Joel Griffith, Deputy Mayor Majer, Trustee Shilling, Trustee Baldino, Trustee Mangieri
Others Present: Tyler Emerson
On a motion made by Trustee Shilling, seconded by Deputy Mayor Majer, Mayor Griffith called the public hearing to order at 6:07 PM.
Mayor Griffith provided information about the Tentative 2023-2024 Budget, and there was time made for comments on the tentative budget.
On a motion made by Trustee Baldino, seconded by Trustee Mangieri, Mayor Griffith closed the public hearing on the tentative budget at 6:18 PM.
Mayor Griffith provided insight into the resolution regarding the Climate Smart Task Force for the village board.
RESOLUTION Reaffirming Climate Smart Communities Goals and Stating the Mission of the Climate Smart Communities Task Force; motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer, seconded by Trustee Shilling; all in favor.
There was discussion regarding trustee responsibilities for the reorganizational packet updates, along with solar power, street lights, and water/sewer funding.
On a motion made by Deputy Mayor Majer seconded by Trustee Baldino; all in favor; the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin L. Bruno
Village Clerk