A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on June 20, 2012 at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall. Mayor Cranna called the meeting to order at 7:19 p.m.
Present: Mayor Cranna, Deputy Mayor Leedy, Trustees Ezrati, Bruno and Griffith, Attorney Christine Chale and PANDA film representative Fred Cartier.
Public: Dave Cleaveland, Karen Cleaveland, Steven Tran and Radley Glasser.
The Mayor asked all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Clerk’s Report: The Village Clerk’s office will be closed on July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
Mayor Cranna presented the minutes of the May 16, 2012 Regular Board Meeting. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Leedy seconded by Trustee Griffith, the minutes were approved, all in favor. The Mayor then presented the minutes for the June 13, 2012 Special Board Meeting Public Hearing for Local Law 2-2012. On a motion by Trustee Griffith, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the minutes were approved, all in favor.
Mayor Cranna presented the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract 1, June 20, 2012, Abstract 1 in the amount of $54,156.23. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Leedy, seconded by Trustee Bruno, the Treasurer’s Report was accepted, all in favor. Mayor Cranna then presented the Treasurer’s Report dated May 31, 2012, Abstract 13, in the amount of $45,052.07. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Leedy, seconded by Trustee Griffith, the report was approved. A discussion followed. Roll Call: Leedy-aye, Bruno-aye, Ezrati-no, Griffith-no, Cranna –aye. Mayor Cranna asked for a motion to pay the current Village bills. Trustee Griffith moved that the bills be paid as presented and Deputy Mayor Leedy seconded the motion. The motion passed by voice vote with the exception of Trustee Ezrati who abstained from the vote. Trustee Ezrati reviewed the Planning/Zoning Report stating there was $50 on building permit fees collected and no C/Os issued.
The Mayor asked if there were any public comments for agenda items only. Public comment and questions centered on the proposed extension of terms of office.
Mayor Cranna asked for a motion to set a Public Hearing to hear all interested persons on a proposed extension of terms of the offices of the Mayor and Trustees from a two year term to a four year term pursuant to Section 3-302 (5) of the Village Law, commencing with the terms of office following the next general Village election. Mayor Cranna stated that the Public Hearing is not a requirement for the extension. On a motion by Trustee Griffith, seconded by Deputy Mayor Leedy, the Public Hearing was set for July 18, 2012 at 7:00pm at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, all in favor.
Trustee Ezrati spoke about the Zoning Review Committee. Former Mayor Cordier chairs the committee whose members include Trustee Ezrati, Martin Clarke, Mark Bennett and Jennifer Harris. Consultants for the committee include John Clark, Michele Greig and Attorney Victoria Polidoro. Trustee Ezrati reports:
- Draft copy of local law 2-2012 completed
- Existing law is dated
- Ongoing process
- There is money in the budget now
- Moved with deliberate speed
- Two months or more of procedural matters including coastal applications and LWRP
- Moratorium in place for six months – will have to wait for new law if it’s passed.
Trustee Ezrati read Resolution 14-2012, dated June 20, 2012, Authorizing Adoption by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Tivoli of Local Law No. 2 (Proposed) of 2012 Regarding Moratorium in the RB District. On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, Seconded by Trustee Griffith, resolution was approved, all in favor. Roll Call: Leedy-aye, Ezrati-aye, Bruno-aye, Griffith-aye, Cranna-aye.
The Board reviewed the bids received as outlined in Resolution 12-2012, Resolution Authorizing the Solicitation of Public Quoted for the Oil and Propane Price and Service Contracts. Mayor Cranna recommends Kosco remain as the village’s provider as propane tanks would need to changed out for the other providers. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Leedy, seconded by Trustee Griffith, Kosco was awarded the oil bidding contracts.
Mayor Cranna asked for a motion to authorize bids to be sought for the CDBG Memorial Park Improvement Project. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Leedy, seconded by Trustee Bruno, the motion was approved. Roll call: Leedy: aye, Ezrati: aye, Bruno: aye, Griffith: aye. The bids will be opened on July 17, 2012 at 12:00 pm at Village Hall. Construction will begin in August and finish in November. The park will be handicapped accessible for both adults and children upon completion.
A discussion of the proposed change of terms of service centered on completion of projects and the recruitment of future candidates for the board.
Mayor Cranna was notified that Dutchess County grant was approved. Trustee Griffith will be working with Morris and Associates on the project. The project was awarded for the design of a sidewalk and benches from where the sidewalks end on Broadway to the proposed waterfront park.
The Mayor announced that the Tivoli Library has opted to no longer sell the Village’s trash tags. The Mayor noted that tags may be obtained via mail if a self addressed stamped envelope is included with the payment of the tags. The purchase requests may also be dropped in an envelope in drop box located in the front door of Village Hall.
The 6th Annual Rhinebeck American Legion Band concert will be held on July 17 at 7:00pm in front of the American Legion, located next to Village Hall.
The next Regular Meeting will take place July 18, 2012 at 7:00pm at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall. The workshop will be held at 6:00pm before the meeting. There will be a workshop held July 11, 2012 at Village Hall at 6:00pm.
Trustee Reports:
Deputy Mayor Leedy:
- No Water Report
- Thanked Legislator Traudt for his support of the DC Department of Planning grant for $100,000 for sidewalk replacement. Mayor Cranna noted that the board decide which sidewalks need to be replaced
Trustee Ezrati:
- Planning Board
o Mike Billeci is now the chair
o There is a full board now
- Zoning Board of Appeals
o Needs two more members
- Street Paining will be September 29, 2012
o Facebook site
o Funded entirely by the Dutchess County Arts Council, sponsors and donations
- Historic Tour was held last week by Former Mayor Cordier as part of the Red Hook Bi-Centennial Celebration.
Trustee Bruno:
- Suggestions and ideas to raise funds for village celebrations are welcome
- Veteran’s Monument Dinner
o Funds were raised as well as donations received
o Benches will be purchased and engraved
- Memorial Park
o Moving forward after a long process
o Tivoli Neighborhood Program will run from June 25 to July 20 from 9:00am to 11:30am
- No charge to residents – $35 a week to non-residents
- Gail Torchia is the director
- Tivoli Library has many upcoming events
- Sub Night is July 20 at the firehouse
Trustee Griffith:
- Court Report $3345
- Thanks to DPW for filling the water tank at the Community Garden
- Community Garden
o Please weed your garden plots
Public Comments centered on The Zoning Review Committee’ work, buses in the village, , and oil bids. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Leedy and seconded by Trustee Bruno, the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gonnella
Village Clerk &Treasurer