A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on May 21, 2014 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall, Tivoli, NY. Mayor Cranna
called the meeting to order at 7:11 pm.
Present: Mayor Cranna, Deputy Mayor Griffith, Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Schneider, Attorney Christine Chale and Steven Roberts of
PANDA. Absent: Trustee Bruno.
Public: David Cleaveland, Karen Cleaveland, Rory Mondshein, George B. Harrar and Robert Lachmann.
The Mayor asked all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Schneider, the rules were suspended so that the public could address the
Board on agenda items only. There were no public comments. On a motion by Trustee Ezrati and seconded by Deputy Mayor Griffith,
the Board returned to regular business.
The Clerk’s report included:
- Sale of 449 trash tags
- Two payrolls
- One planning board workshop and meeting
- Closed for the holiday on Monday, May 26 in observance of Memorial Day
- No correspondence received for the record
On a motion by Trustee Schneider and seconded by Deputy Mayor Griffith, minutes for the April 16 regular board meeting were
approved, all in favor.
Mayor Cranna announced the Harris Smith American Legion Post will be hosting their annual Memorial Day services on May 26 at
10:00 am at the Red Church Cemetery. Mayor Cranna has been asked to be the guest speaker.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Schneider, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract 12, dated May 21, 2014, in
the amount of $27,964.68 was approved. The Treasurer’s Report is posted on the Village’s website each month. Mayor Cranna has
temporarily frozen spending except for emergency situations. A form is available to request exceptions to this for department heads
and trustees. Deputy Mayor Griffith moved that the bills be paid as presented and Trustee Schneider seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report – Trustee Ezrati
- Zoning Officer is on vacation – no report this month
- Garbage can issue has been improving
- Vacant buildings are an ongoing issue –there is no resolution at this stage
A presentation was made by Bard College Liaison, Rory Mondshein
- Three Bard students are participating, two off campus, one on campus
- The purpose is to facilitate active dialogue and bridge a connection between the Village and Bard College
- Asks that student participation not be a forum for residents to vent frustrations about the college
- The liaison will
o Attend all Village board meetings and open forums
o Serve as a student representative at meetings
o Encourage active engagement with the Village and their events
o Serve as part of the Mayor’s cabinet
o The current liaison for Tivoli is George B. Harrar
Mayor Cranna spoke about a grant opportunity in the amount of $90,000 from Dutchess County Department of Planning.
The purpose of the project is to evaluate the potential transfer of ownership of the Village’s Water & Sewer Systems to the Dutchess
County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA.)
The evaluation will include:
- An engineering analysis of the existing infrastructure and identification of short and long term capital improvement needs
- Analysis of the current fiscal condition of the systems including history of revenues and expenses and the amount and term of
any outstanding debt
- Identification of any legal issues that may arise related to the transfer of ownership
- The DCWWA will serve as a technical advisor to Tivoli, at no cost to the Village or the Project.
- As the potential future owner of the Water and Sewer Systems, the DCWWA will be responsible for addressing issues related
to its potential future ownership and management of the systems.
- The goal of the project is to determine whether meaningful benefits can be realized by transferring ownership of the water and
sewer systems to the DCWWA.
- Benefits are considered to include
o Improved efficiency and quality of service delivery
o Lower and/or stabilized expenses to local taxpayers taking into account both the current systems’ operational
expenses as well as long-term maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructure
o Improved efficiencies and cost savings associated with the DCWWA’s centralized management and administration
of multiple water and sewer systems
o Improved efficiencies, services and savings.
- Awards will be announced in late summer
- Grant will cover the cost of attorney, engineering and any publications
- Public hearings and public forums will be held
- There are no pre-determined conclusions
- The Town of Hyde Park is also participating in a study
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Schneider, Resolution 8-2014, dated May 21, 2014, RESOLUTION
On a motion by Trustee Schneider, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, Trustee Bruno was appointed Fair Housing Officer, all in
favor. The Fair Housing Officer accepts and investigates complaints and concerns for housing issues.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Schneider, the village will begin to use purchase orders for all
village purchases, all in favor.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Trustee Schneider, Resolution 9-2014, dated May 21, 2014, ESTABLISHING A
POLICY” , ALL IN FAVOR . The proposed procurement policy will be posted on the Village’s website and will be available for
review in Clerk’s office. The Public Hearing will be held June 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm at Village Hall, 86 Broadway, Tivoli, NY.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the Mayor was authorized to sign the annual lease
agreement for the parking lot located on the north side of the Masonic Lodge Building at 7 North Road, all in favor. It was
noted that the lease will be revised for next year.
Attorney Chale has formed a new law firm. On a motion by Trustee Schneider, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the Mayor was
authorized to sign a contract for Rodenhausen Chale LLP for Bond Counsel Services as official attorney to the Village, all in
Mayor Cranna spoke about the intersection at Broadway and Route 9G:
- Flashing red and yellow light has been installed
- Thousands of Individuals signed a petition for the light to be placed at the intersection
- NYS Department of Transportation is paving the shoulders of the road only.
- Bard College has agreed to increase the college signage on Route 9G
- Tivoli will look at additional signage also
- Mayor Cranna thanks many individuals including former Trustee Manna who worked consistently on the project for many
Mayor Cranna has been informed that the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles will
- Issue emergency vehicle license plates for the DPW Supervisor and the Fire Chief at no cost
- Allows certain access for these vehicle in emergency situations
The next regular meeting will take place on June 11, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall. The workshop will be held at
6:00pm before the meeting. There will be a workshop on June 18, 2014 at the Historic Watts DePeyster Hall at 6:00pm.
Trustee Reports:
Deputy Mayor Griffith
- Water System Operations Report
o No violations
o Testing every month
o Two different locations are tested monthly
o Ecoli and coli form
- Water Mains were flushed in May
o 38 Broadway
- Village Clean Up Day
o Held on April 26 at 1:00pm at Village Hall
o Twenty people attended
o Riverfront clean up also
- Community Garden
o Garden is full – no more plots available for this year
o To reserve for next year – tivolicommunitygarden @gmail.com
o No rain date
o There are now raised beds in the back half of the garden
- Safety Forums
o Have met for five months
o Route 9G safety
o Committee will continue to meet
o Focus will shift more toward trail systems
- Discussing possible trail locations as alternatives to Route 9G
- Trails for walking and cycling
- Bard College is working to inform and educate students about the highway
- Safety forums meet monthly
Trustee Ezrati
- Trustee Bruno presented a proposed skate board park (in Memorial Park) presentation to the Planning Board
- Sees improvement with the Village’s relationship with Bard College
- Attend a class at Bard on sustainability lead by Brent Kovalchick
o Bicycle trails
o Vertical gardens
o Public art
o A presentation for a proposed grocery store pending for the Village Book Store site
Trustee Bruno
- Absent
Trustee Schneider
- Justice Court
o $909 to comptroller’s office
- Shared Services Study Committee
o Ongoing monthly meetings – this month’s meeting was re-scheduled meet next week instead.
- Business and Artist’s Association
o Establish a dialogue with local business owners
o Make the Tivoli experience better
o Reach out to Tivoli business owners
Public comments centered on the proposed crosswalks, summer rec camp, road repairs along Broadway, re-painting of yellow zones,
the one way sign at Feroe Avenue, parking permits, and police patrols.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, and seconded by Trustee Schneider, the meeting was adjourned at 7:52 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gonnella
Village Clerk & Treasurer