Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes 3-26-2014

/ Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes 3-26-2014

Meeting Date : 26/03/2014

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A budget workshop meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on March 26, 2014 at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall, Tivoli,
NY at 5:00 pm.
Present: Mayor Cranna, Deputy Mayor Griffith, Trustee Bruno, Trustee Schneider, and Trustee Ezrati
On a motion by Trustee Schneider, seconded by Trustee Bruno, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Trustees of the
Village of Tivoli on April 2, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic Watts dePeyster Hall located at 86 Broadway, Tivoli, NY 12583
to hear all interested persons on the proposed 2014/2015 TENTATIVE OPERATING BUDGET OF THE VILLAGE OF
TIVOLI, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gonnella
Village Clerk & Treasurer