A meeting of the Village Board of Trustees was held on December 18, 2013 at the American Legion, Tivoli Commons, NY. Mayor
Cranna called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Present: Mayor Cranna, Deputy Mayor Griffith, and Trustee Ezrati, Attorney Christine Chale and Steven Roberts of PANDA.
Absent: Trustee Bruno, Trustee Schneider
Public: Naomi LaChance.
The Mayor asked all present to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk’s report included:
- Sale of 531 trash tags
- Three payrolls
- Collection of 476 water/sewer bills
- Food Drive collection
- Village Offices closed on December 24, December 25, December 31 and January 1. This schedule is the same as the Town
of Red Hook.
Mayor Cranna presented the minutes of the regular meeting minutes for November 20, 2013. On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith,
seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the minutes were approved, all in favor.
Mayor Cranna stated that Winterfest would be held on December 21 from 3-5 pm due to inclement weather on December 14.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the Treasurer’s Report for Abstract 7, dated December 18, 2013,
for the amount of $138,825.48 was approved. Trustee Ezrati moved that the bills be paid as presented and Deputy Mayor Griffith
seconded the motion, all in favor.
Zoning Report – Trustee Ezrati
- Zoning Officer has issued a building permit for an installation at 40 Broadway
- Total permit fees of $50 were collected
- Zoning Officer did final reviews of one project
- Two open permits –one on North Road and on at 33 Broadway
Mayor Cranna spoke about water and wastewater in the village
- Are there outside opportunities to benefit the village?
- Water/wastewater Authority presented to the board two weeks ago
- Other private firms will be interviewed in the future and presentations will be conducted
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, authority was granted to the Mayor to invite the Water/Wastewater
Authority to review the Village’s water/wastewater system, all in favor,
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, seconded by Trustee Ezrati, RESOLUTION 37-2013, DATED DECEMBER 18, 2013,
ESTABLISHING ELECTION DAY, was approved, all in favor. Village Election Day is March 18, 2014, and will be held at the Tivoli
Firehouse, 2 Tivoli Commons between the hours of 12:00PM and 9:00 PM. The election will be held to elect two trustees.
On a motion by Trustee Ezrati, seconded by Deputy Mayor Griffith, RESOLUTION 38-2013, DATED DECEMBER 18, 2013,
APPOINTING ELECTION INSPECTORS, was approved, all in favor. The election inspectors will be Margaret Lemon and Judy
Scott. The alternate inspector will be Margaret Doty.
The next regular meeting will take place on January 15, 2014 at 7:00pm at the American Legion. The workshop will be held at 6:00pm
before the meeting. There will be a workshop on January 8, 2014 at the American Legion at 6:00pm.
Mayor Cranna noted that there will be a Special Board Meeting held on Monday, December 23, 2013 at 8:30am at the American
Mayor Cranna stated that approval has been received from the Dutchess County Department of Public Works for a crosswalk from
Village Hall to Pine Street for safer access for children from Memorial Park to the Tivoli Library. The county has also reviewed and
approved the replacement of the sinking bricks at the four corner intersection with faux bricks similar to the ones located on Pine
Street. CHIPS funds will be used for the project.
Mayor Cranna also noted that there is no parking on any village street between the hours of 1:00am to 6:00pm from November 15 to
April 1. Tickets will be issued by the Sheriff’s Department. Parking permits to park in the village’s municipal lots are available in the
Clerk’s Office.
Trustee Reports:
Deputy Mayor Griffith
- Winterfest
o December 21
o Cards made by children for Provoost Park residents
o Refreshments
o Craft Fair from 11:00am to 5:00pm
o Santa, horse and carriage rides
o Santa on a fire truck around the village at 1:30pm with candy canes and coloring books
- Library
o Spend vacation time at the library (757-3771) call for list of activities
o Five star state award winner
- New Roof on Village Hall
o Roof on newer portion of village hall repairs are complete
o Elevator is next
- Well Report
- Water Report
o Water system operational report shows no problems
o Bi-annual inspection on November 8 by Dutchess County Board of Health showed no violations
- Community Garden
o Danielle Riou and Mara Ranville are co –chairs for 2014 garden
o February 1, 2014 is the deadline to submit your name for a plot
o Email tivolicommunitygarden@gmail to express interest in a plot or ask questions
o Twenty 8X12 plots are available in Memorial Park
o $30 fee for fencing and maintenance
o Raised beds for this year
o If necessary, a lottery will be held to determine participants
o Consider sharing a plot
o Must be a Tivoli resident
o If you are someone with acreage and can have a garden, you are urged to do that rather than taking a plot to make
room for someone who is renting and does not have a back yard
Trustee Ezrati
o Have received the materials from the LOSAP administrator Penflex
o Will ask the fire department how many points volunteers have earned and will be posted at the firehouse
- Planning Board has had a bit of a respite
- Both Planning and Zoning Boards have been very active throughout the year
o Completed new parking and lighting regulations
o First draft of the site plan review process has been completed
o Parking was volunteer intensive – counted every parking space and square footage of restaurants and the dentist’s
o An appropriate listing of how much parking is needed
o Set new standards for residences -wanted to be sure there was sufficient off street parking
o Will present to the board soon
- New gutters for firehouse and the generator was serviced
Trustee Bruno:
- Absent
Trustee Schneider:
- Absent
Mayor Cranna asked that the meeting be closed in memory of Jack Rush, a long time Tivoli resident and the Executive Director of
Provoost Park.
On a motion by Deputy Mayor Griffith, and seconded by Trustee Ezrati, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Gonnella
Village Clerk & Treasurer