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Village of Tivoli Planning Board
September 23, 2024


The meeting was opened at 7:04 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Historic Watts dePeyster Village Hall.

PRESENT:  Lisa Schwarzbaum, Chairwoman; J. P. Ward; Donna Matthews; Wendy Hansen

NOT PRESENT: Andrew Tejerina, Miles Sweeny, Pamela Morin

ALSO PRESENT: Lisa Farjam; Anna Morris; Phyllis Palmer; Jill Termerlen; Stella Cornillon; Julia Crowley; Samantha Hunt; Grace Molenda; Hayden Sartoris; Masha Zabara; Anna Siftar; Vanessa Hutchins; Chai Cunningham; Herb Wilson

MINUTES: The Minutes of the September 9, 2024 meeting were reviewed.  J. P. Ward made a motion to APPROVE the Minutes; Second by Donna Matthews; All in favor; none oppose.

PUBLIC HEARING: Wendy Hansen made a motion to open the Public Hearing for 76 Broadway.  Second by J. P. Ward, all in favor; none oppose.  Chairwoman Schwarzbaum read the Notice of Public Hearing.

76 Broadway: Applicants Lisa Farjam and Anna Morris presented their proposal for a combined café and market at 76 Broadway.

Universally favorable public comments were offered by Jill Termerlen, Phyllis Palmer, Julia Crowley, Anna Siftar, Samantha Hunt, Hayden Sartoris, Herb Wilson, and Masha Zabara.

In addition, written comments in support were received before the meeting by Jim O’Grady and Clair Platter of 18 Montgomery and Mara Ranville. Additional written comments were received after the meeting by Kevin Factor, Adrienne of Montgomery Street, Maria Sonevytsky and Franz Nicolay.

Motion made by Donna Matthews to CLOSE the Public Hearing; Second by J. P. Ward; all in favor.

Motion by Wendy Hansen to approve the Site Plan, seconded by Donna Matthews, all in favor.

ADJOURN: J. P. Ward made a motion to ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ADJOURN the meeting; Second by Donna Matthews; all in favor; none oppose.  Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Day, Deputy ClerkPlanningBoardMinutes09-23-24