1) What is an LWRP?

New York State’s approach to managing waterfront areas recognizes that while State government can promote development and provide protection for critical resources and environments, municipalities are in the best position to determine their own waterfront objectives and to adapt to statewide approaches to specific local needs. Thus, the State encourages waterfrontcommunities prepare Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs (an “LWRP”). By preparing an LWRP, community stakeholders have the opportunity to evaluate local waterfront resources, develop goals and a comprehensive strategy for the best use of those resources, proposed future projects, and adopt a local program that will guide appropriate development.

The Village of Tivoli last prepared an LWRP in 1991, which is long out-dated and needs to be modernized to address the issues facing the Village today. Over the past two years, the Village’s Waterfront Advisory Committee has been identifying key resources and opportunities within the Village, in preparation for community meetings with residents, business owners, and other stakeholders and partners, in order to develop a comprehensive plan for the Village.

2) How can I participate?

The second public outreach meeting is scheduled for October 25, 2023 at 7pm, Village Hall 3rd Floor. We will discuss the proposed projects document and review the public outreach that has occurred since our last meeting on June 22, 2023. Everyone is welcome! To read the proposed project document look below.

3) I want to review the draft, how do I do that?

The draft LWRP is on the LWRP page of the Village website.

4) I have ideas to share, but I can’t make it to the public meeting, how do I do that?

Send any comments to mayor@tivoliny.org

LWRP Proposed projects draft 10-17-2023

LWRP 6-5-2023

Appendices – LWRP 5-23-23

Map1 Proposed Revitalization Area 22×34

Map3 Existing Land and Water Uses 22×34

Map5 Publicly Owned Land and Easements 22×34

Map6 Existing Underutilized Sites and Structures 22×34

Map7 Topography and Soil Resources 22×34

Map8 Forest Conditions Core+Legend

Map9 Significant Natural Communities and Habitats 22×34

Map10 Regional Local Habitat Connectivity

Map11 Water Resources 22×34

Map12 Probable and Possible Wetlands

Map13 Water Uses and Harbor Management Area Boundary 22×34

Map15 Historic and Cultural Features 22×34

Map16 Municipal Water and Sewer 22×34

Map17 Parks And Trails 22×34

About Tivoli

The Village of Tivoli is a 1.8 square mile community on the banks of the majestic Hudson River with spectacular views of the famous Catskill Mountains. Established as a port on the Hudson in 1795, the Village was incorporated in 1872 and today is a tight-knit community of 1100 souls who live among natural beauty and rich architectural heritage.

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Phone Numbers

Village Clerk



Tivoli Free Library


86 Broadway PO Box 397
Tivoli, New York 12583

Phone: (845) 757-2021
Fax: (845) 757-5416
Email: clerk@tivoliny.org